Ethan at 2012-11-15T04:25:12+00:00
Red dress or no, I could see she was like a bad test case, asserting all the wrong details. #csnoirErik Hovland likes this.
Ethan at 2012-04-17T19:34:17+00:00
Not all of my decisions in this country have been good ones, but I'm still on the fence about Barbecue Sauce Salad.Erik Hovland likes this.
Ethan at 2012-02-13T19:59:48+00:00
Actually this is why I really read Tor.com: http://bit.ly/wEUmNyErik Hovland likes this.
Ethan at 2012-02-08T17:49:01+00:00
"Cry havoc, and let loose the dogs of bikeshedding" -- David BremnerErik Hovland likes this.
Ethan at 2011-12-10T22:47:47+00:00
It's like a mistake between pastis and vodka. Whoops, I mean a mixture. Well, it's a mistake too.Erik Hovland likes this.
Ethan at 2011-12-08T20:21:06+00:00
I knew I was in trouble when one of the ingredients listed was "vodka flavoring".Erik Hovland likes this.
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen at 2011-08-25T14:23:38+00:00
♻ @OronaRed: http://t.co/PeBhIsfErik Hovland likes this.
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen at 2011-04-29T22:08:19+00:00
♻ @WFv2: Tigers paint the faces of children on their cubs for fun at tiger parties. #AnimalFactsErik Hovland likes this.
Ethan at 2011-04-04T01:45:53+00:00
I had two goals for today, which I made clear to everyone: get sloppily drunk, and burst into tears. So, check and check.Erik Hovland likes this.