Mike mikro2nd@identi.ca
Zā Khēl, Afghanistan
research gardener, craft brewer, oo designer, apprentice human being
2013-04-16T13:56:17+00:00 To: Public
Just checking in...2012-05-01T12:09:28+00:00 To: Public
brewhouse efficiency for today 84% - w00t!2012-05-01T08:09:36+00:00 To: Public
RT @lemnik: wow... eclipse is awful - trying it for eclipse-only Android plugins; but wow, it's just awful2011-04-19T19:06:31+00:00 in Earth To: Public
1μs: shrtn: A URL-shortener: Everyone should have their own personal URL shortener, shouldn't they?I figured tha... http://bit.ly/gtPXy32011-03-18T14:08:47+00:00 in Earth To: Public
planbe: Yay, Rain!: At last... just when we thought the drought was coming back.Now I'd best get on with Winter ... http://bit.ly/h3ZcLC2011-02-15T15:49:30+00:00 in Earth To: Public
1μs: Test-First for Mental Health: I've been thinking recently about how a Test-First approach to development is... http://bit.ly/fv6RBq2011-02-11T13:12:57+00:00 in Earth To: Public
planbe: Hell, No I Won't RICA: Note to non-South Africans: RICA is The Reception of Communications Act -- a piec... http://bit.ly/eoA0Kl2011-02-08T09:21:37+00:00 in Earth To: Public
1μs: Fusion Cuisine: Slicing and Dicing Courses to Suit Different Palates: Ever been faced with setting up train... http://bit.ly/i3qTlb2011-02-04T12:56:37+00:00 in Earth To: Public
planbe: A Tale of Hoe: Several and a half years ago, we had an old man come to work for us once a week as a "gar... http://bit.ly/dMOlol2011-01-18T12:10:09+00:00 in Earth To: Public
1μs: 2011 Course Planning: Whew! Looks like March is going to be a busy month. I've planned no less than 3 cours... http://bit.ly/eBRHyH2010-12-06T15:22:43+00:00 in Earth To: Public
1μs: Amazon Route 53: Trustworthy?: As a "user" of Amazon's Web Services (I've kicked the tyres on S3, but not m... http://bit.ly/hm3uji2010-12-04T09:17:55+00:00 in Earth To: Public
planbe: GMO Maize Weirdness: I went yesterday to buy a bag (50kg) of crushed mielies (corn, maize) for chicken f... http://bit.ly/fYXzT72010-12-03T09:09:10+00:00 in Earth To: Public
planbe: Plant Breeding Ideas: Plant breeding projects I'm interested in tackling...Carrots:I am interested in a ... http://bit.ly/hJHftS2010-10-23T08:28:37+00:00 in Earth To: Public
planbe: Kill the Witness FTW: For all other metalheads out there... Pretty proud of Dale and his KtW buddies. Grea... http://bit.ly/b0ju972010-10-16T08:21:25+00:00 in Earth To: Public
planbe: Water Tank Disaster: Well, we'd had a lovely bit of rain - over 35mm in the course of a day-and-a-half - a... http://bit.ly/c6F7312010-10-13T14:28:52+00:00 in Earth To: Public
1μs: A Lesson from Vegetable Gardening for Hiring (and Keeping) Better Software Developers: Right now I'm in the m... http://bit.ly/cNaCqa2010-10-07T07:34:24+00:00 in Earth To: Public
planbe: Blogroll Housekeeping Note: I've temporarily taken down my blogroll listing. It was being served by blogro... http://bit.ly/9mMkZb2010-10-06T07:04:34+00:00 in Earth To: Public
1μs: Duck Typing Developer Styles: 4 Ducks: Developers can be categorised along two orthogonal dimensions: coding-... http://bit.ly/9wsdMS2010-09-14T06:50:05+00:00 in Earth To: Public
1μs: Setting up a PPTP VPN with NetworkManager: Filed under "Notes to Myself". If this helps someone else out ther... http://bit.ly/bGmqJy2010-09-07T06:53:20+00:00 in Earth To: Public
planbe: New Family Member: KeiraA new arrival: Keira the puppy arrived on Saturday. J and kids drove all the way t... http://bit.ly/bYyf2O