mojopuppet mojopuppet@identi.ca
KDE Community at 2013-03-05T18:01:11+00:00
X11R5, mojopuppet, Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
Daniele Micci, Daniele Micci, Agustín Benito Bethencourt, Agustín Benito Bethencourt and 8 others shared this.
Jose R Rodriguez at 2013-03-02T18:18:57+00:00
Built first version of !GNU/ !Linux kernel code named #Nanahuatzin [Fifth Sun] with my main focus in improving the #btrfs support in !Debianmojopuppet likes this.
ddevine@identi.ca at 2013-02-27T15:18:18+00:00
Interesting thoughts. #virtualenv is doing it wrong. Not the unix way. !python http://t.co/3a9nTb6DmKJackson Cooper, mojopuppet, nds likes this.
censorednewsnow.com, censorednewsnow.com, nds, nds shared this.
Wissenschaft und Schreie at 2013-02-25T23:36:39+00:00
"#HeavyMetal und #Physik - Student untersucht Bewegung von Konzertbesuchern" http://is.gd/sb5GIu !wissenschaft !de !dailyme #moshpitmojopuppet likes this.
Luis Falcon at 2013-02-23T16:04:42+00:00
Working on Intensive Care Unit module for !GnuHealth for upcoming rel 1.8.1 !GNU !FreeSoftware #eHealth #tryton http://health.gnu.orgmojopuppet likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez, txt, txt shared this.
Pablo Bachi Varisco at 2013-02-23T02:50:26+00:00
6 Most Good-Looking Music Players for !Linux http://goo.gl/vvxStmojopuppet, Ondřej Michálek likes this.
@bachitux My vote goes to #Musique, it's an excellent music player.txt at 2013-02-23T20:39:00+00:00
Ondřej Michálek likes this.
@Bachitux Looking good for a music player is nice. The main purpose is to sound nice.Huh, #Musique looks pretty nice. I'm an #MPD junkie, but I should surely give it a try once (I've already tried #Clementine and like it).Ondřej Michálek likes this.
Kesara at 2013-02-19T10:25:53+00:00
What makes !python awesome? http://ur1.ca/cuhubmojopuppet, Jackson Cooper likes this.
Jackson Cooper, Jackson Cooper, JC, JC and 2 others shared this.
Neustradamus at 2013-01-26T22:46:12+00:00
mojopuppet likes this.
/usr/share at 2013-02-23T10:47:32+00:00
Do better for both FOSSers & normal users, stop referring to !Ubuntu as "#Linux" – Ubuntu doesn't follow same values or target same users.mojopuppet likes this.
@usrshare ummm, no one targets the same users... Not !debian, not !suse, not !archKevin Ian Bryan at 2013-02-22T06:39:35+00:00
Blog: #BitByteWords Nexus 4 Charger From Nexus Q? http://goo.gl/MQpBM #Nexus4 #NexusQ !Android !Googlemojopuppet likes this.
Debian Art at 2013-02-21T22:12:10+00:00
#logo Debian comfortaa logo by @IvanML - Logo that I have done in Inkscape using Comfortaa free true... http://ur1.ca/cvbaq !debianmojopuppet likes this.
iloveubuntu.net at 2013-02-21T21:56:11+00:00
!Ubuntu Touch Preview's images available for direct download (support to flash them via non-Ubuntu-running computers) http://ur1.ca/cvb94mojopuppet likes this.
hellekin at 2013-02-21T20:03:16+00:00
mojopuppet likes this.
Wissenschaft und Schreie at 2013-02-20T11:17:32+00:00
"Neues #Wissenschaftsmagazin setzt auf lebenslange Mitgliedschaft" http://is.gd/kyzAd1 !wissenschaft !de !nachrichten !dailyme #openaccessmojopuppet likes this.
Jonathan Nadeau at 2013-02-21T04:31:21+00:00
All pledges made will count! I don't need to meet the goal to get funded. http://ur1.ca/cl5mu !fsf !gnu !lpmojopuppet likes this.
iloveubuntu.net at 2013-02-20T22:00:25+00:00
[Ubuntu in the wild] Iron Dome's IT experts use Ubuntu !ubuntu http://ur1.ca/cuw91mojopuppet likes this.
MetalByte at 2013-02-18T23:59:31+00:00
mojopuppet likes this.
Michał Andrzej Woźniak at 2013-02-18T21:16:16+00:00
I'm going to #CeBIT: bit.ly/WSszPJ any of you wonderful people can host 2 opensource/hackerspace guys for a few days in Hanover? ;) !linuxmojopuppet likes this.
Dennis Andrew Gutowski Jr at 2013-02-19T03:30:05+00:00
Update youDenny's Home World: Wolfram Alpha http://identi.ca/url/75245926mojopuppet likes this.
Eternal Tyro, Eternal Tyro shared this.
Daniele Tricoli at 2013-02-17T14:18:14+00:00
mojopuppet likes this.