Move Commons movecommons@identi.ca
2012-07-11T13:55:02+00:00 To: Public
Move Commons: declara los principios de tu colectivo u ONG http://bit.ly/LHSTIP via @masticablecomunes shared by Move Commons at 2012-04-29T14:19:09+00:00 To: Public
Un poco de sociología de los ausentes: La presentación que hicimos en el #greenvia http://bit.ly/JgxQHO por si os sirve...Move Commons, Move Commons, Kune, Kune shared this.
comunes shared by Move Commons at 2012-04-29T14:19:09+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Un poco de sociología de los ausentes: La presentación que hicimos en el #greenvia http://bit.ly/JgxQHO por si os sirve...Move Commons, Move Commons, Kune, Kune shared this.
Kune shared by Move Commons at 2012-04-17T21:25:54+00:00 To: Public
[es] ¡Nueva versión y lanzamiento de kune.cc! http://bit.ly/JwFziq También disponible para debian/ubuntu http://bit.ly/J1vsCGKune shared by Move Commons at 2012-04-17T21:25:54+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
[es] ¡Nueva versión y lanzamiento de kune.cc! http://bit.ly/JwFziq También disponible para debian/ubuntu http://bit.ly/J1vsCGKune shared by Move Commons at 2012-04-17T21:25:52+00:00 To: Public
[en] New release & website launch kune.cc! http://bit.ly/JwFUBD Also available for debian/ubuntu http://bit.ly/H6nF9DKune shared by Move Commons at 2012-04-17T21:25:52+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
[en] New release & website launch kune.cc! http://bit.ly/JwFUBD Also available for debian/ubuntu http://bit.ly/H6nF9DKune shared by Move Commons at 2012-04-01T17:17:06+00:00 To: Public
We are more close to a big release. Meanwhile you can test #kune: Check our installation in #debian, #ubuntu, etc http://bit.ly/H6nF9DMove Commons, Move Commons, vjrj, vjrj shared this.
Kune shared by Move Commons at 2012-04-01T17:17:06+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
We are more close to a big release. Meanwhile you can test #kune: Check our installation in #debian, #ubuntu, etc http://bit.ly/H6nF9DMove Commons, Move Commons, vjrj, vjrj shared this.
2012-03-13T11:17:25+00:00 To: Move Commons, Public
Reunión mensual del grupo de trabajo sobre @movecommons abierta a cualquier interesad@ ow.ly/9B1AO Hoy a las 17h #medialab cc/ @langdonwcomunes shared by Move Commons at 2012-01-08T18:30:22+00:00 To: Public
Los amigxs de @goteofunding nos necesitan, votadles en Premios Focus, son 10 segs! Sólo hay q seleccionarles y enviar: http://ur1.ca/73jh0Move Commons, Move Commons shared this.
comunes shared by Move Commons at 2012-01-08T18:30:22+00:00 via web To: Public
Los amigxs de @goteofunding nos necesitan, votadles en Premios Focus, son 10 segs! Sólo hay q seleccionarles y enviar: http://ur1.ca/73jh0Move Commons, Move Commons shared this.
2012-01-03T12:37:41+00:00 To: Public
A modest proposal to give Free Software equal legal standing as proprietary - http://bit.ly/uM2vwc raises important points #lawOndřej Michálek likes this.
Move Commons, Move Commons, Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer shared this.
2012-01-03T12:37:41+00:00 via web To: Public
A modest proposal to give Free Software equal legal standing as proprietary - http://bit.ly/uM2vwc raises important points #lawOndřej Michálek likes this.
Move Commons, Move Commons, Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer shared this.
2012-01-03T11:30:18+00:00 To: Public
Muy recomendado el mini-libro/constitución de bienes #comunes que acaba de editar TraficantesDeSueños @traficantes2010 http://bit.ly/roFo1l2012-01-03T10:32:43+00:00 To: Public
Acerca de lo que decíamos ayer... España es el país con más obras bajo licencia #CreativeCommons http://bit.ly/cEhIFC (en gráfico)2011-12-12T18:59:56+00:00 To: Public
¿Te sobra hardware? ¿Acabáis de comprar server nuevo? Tenemos problemas serios con server y necesitamos ayuda: http://ur1.ca/6n10s RT xfa2011-12-12T16:55:38+00:00 To: Public
Just realised we appear in Reddit! http://ur1.ca/6motv2011-12-11T11:43:56+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
@jdelacueva ¿os animáis a uniros al grupo de trabajo de #movecommons en Medialab Prado? RT xfa http://j.mp/uDSYqh2011-12-10T11:22:12+00:00 To: Public
#WebDev + social commitment? wanna join freesoftware project #movecommons? Do you know anyone with such profile? http://ur1.ca/6kf4f