It is beyond me what matrix is trying to achieve. Even after reading their "FAQ".
#KCD #standards
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Their rationale visavi XMPP is here:
HTTP-nativeness, identity model, richer mandatory minimum protocol and a model around message history as state, rather than live message passing.
Sounds like a lot of NIH, but given the results they've had, it seems to make sense. I'm happy that people are trying things, and as they've got this far in less than two years, they seem pretty capable.
HTTP-nativeness, identity model, richer mandatory minimum protocol and a model around message history as state, rather than live message passing.
Sounds like a lot of NIH, but given the results they've had, it seems to make sense. I'm happy that people are trying things, and as they've got this far in less than two years, they seem pretty capable.

I read about that rationale there but some things speak for themselves.
They don't explain the difference, they just ramble about shortcomings of XMPP -WTF!
they point out that XMPP vs. matrix seems to bring out the worst in people.... irony?
I wonder if matrix has to offer anything comparable to OMEMO/Signal encryption.
mray INACTIVE at 2016-10-07T20:30:23Z
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.