Kate J Davis eutouring@identi.ca
Clacton-on-Sea, United Kingdom
http://www.eutouring.com Kate Davis - European traveller and author of travel to guides to Paris holidays for a holiday in Paris.
Ron K. Jeffries ronkjeffries@identi.ca
Arroyo Grande, United States
Watch, listen, read, write. Rinse and repeat as needed. Writing a book about the torture and murder of a 15 year old girl, Dystiny Myers, September 25/26 2010 in Nipomo, CA. http://ronkjeffries.pen.io
Dylan Thiedeke swathe@identi.ca
Rockhampton, Australia
Psychotic nerd and Gentoo user. Beard appreciator, foul mouthed youtuber and drag racing addict.
linux.conf.au 2014 linuxconfau@identi.ca
Canberra, Australia
6-10th January 2014 LCA is one of the world's best conferences for free and open source software!
François Marier fmarier@identi.ca
Vancouver, BC
Free software developer. Moved to https://fosstodon.org/@fmarier
Jon A. Cruz joncruz@identi.ca
Agua Caliente, Mexico
OpenSource developer, father, color wrangler, inkscape dev
Andrew Ruthven puck42@identi.ca
Software Developer, General Dogs Body, Husband, Father and Co-Director of linux.conf.au 2010.
Leslie Hawthorn lh@identi.ca
Portland, United States
Free Culture and Open Source Software Advocate, Medieval English Literature Geek, Cat Herder Extraodinaire
Janet Hawtin lucychili@identi.ca
Donna Benjamin kattekrab@identi.ca
Romana Challans timelady@identi.ca
wheelchair bound code witch, mac geek. magic partner. mother of 5. spiritual atheist. the rest is subject to change without notice.