2013-05-14T01:03:36+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
Not the comic to read during grading... or is it? http://ur1.ca/due7c2013-04-22T00:58:56+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
More (a lot more) on IPv4, IPv6, and addresses: http://ur1.ca/dgvqa .2013-03-12T02:22:54+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
Spring break reading 3: QoS routing in wireless sensor networks — a survey http://ur1.ca/d1j7g2013-03-12T02:22:00+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
Spring break reading 2: A survey and projection on medium access control protocols for wireless sensor networks http://tinyurl.com/copgfya2013-03-12T02:20:26+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
Spring break reading 1: On physical-layer identification of wireless devices%ahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2379776.23797822013-03-12T02:11:07+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
How many IP addresses does a Boeing 787 have? http://tinyurl.com/arvn2wa Are they IPv6 addresses, or class A 10 addresses?2013-02-15T06:51:36+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
Want to read more about security? Here's a free book: http://ur1.ca/ahkxb - Security Engineering by Ross Anderson.2013-02-12T21:13:41+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
A little more detail asymmetric-key encryption, what it is and how it's used: http://tinyurl.com/apzsdm7Emil Blume, Emil Blume shared this.
2013-02-09T12:25:39+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
In case your homework problem wasn't enough, here's more fun with Base64: http://ur1.ca/cri19 .2013-01-08T18:41:52+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
To PSTN or not to PSTN, that is the (syllabus) question: http://tinyurl.com/9wtuho6 .2012-12-24T19:13:06+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
Things to do during the break when you're bored: http://ur1.ca/c9dg12012-12-20T21:39:29+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
The Fourier-series discussion stopped half-way (if that); if you want to go all the way, see http://tinyurl.com/ca86zxd .2012-12-09T16:27:24+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
Another kind of periodic signal: http://ur1.ca/bxqwh2012-12-05T23:15:24+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
As has been said: A disk traveling on the back of army ants has excellent throughput but miserable latency. http://tinyurl.com/ba8nrrj2012-11-08T19:48:41+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
Despite what my rescheduling e-mail implied, there is no class today, Thursday, 8 November. Apologies for any confusion.2012-11-08T03:14:32+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
More than you ever wanted to know about fast TCP checksums: http://ur1.ca/au4z42012-09-20T15:08:08+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
http://tinyurl.com/cd5ke5x : An article about rearranging record fields, a recent lecture topic. Different situation, but same problem.2012-09-01T00:23:35+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
Class home page: http://tinyurl.com/mucs514f12h ; class schedule: http://tinyurl.com/mucs514f12s .2012-08-28T16:14:11+00:00 via emacs-identicamode To: Public
If they were smart enough to invent it, you'd hope they'd be smart enough not to name it "the anternet." http://tinyurl.com/9kscbxp