Muel Kiel muelnettweets@identi.ca
University, United States
No more terrible disaster could befall your people than for them to fall into the hands of a Hero. - from Frank Herbert's "Dune"
2012-08-27T18:32:33+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Blargh. That is all2012-08-24T18:21:09+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
At work, sitting on the floor with my laptop in my chair. Much more comfortable than using the chair. :D2012-08-19T20:26:16+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Summer quarter is over, but I've still one assignment to do. #annoyed2012-08-19T06:55:13+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Right now I'm sitting on my toolbox + a pillow and working on an 18 inch high table. Really loving it actually.2012-08-19T18:07:45+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Watching some Gamescom coverage from the Yogscast. More just ridiculous than informative.2012-08-19T05:54:34+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Petting my dog and watching some youtube. It's good to be done with classes for the summer.2012-08-19T03:14:48+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
It appears it's time for the daily internet spottiness. Here's hoping this goes through... #annoyed2012-08-15T19:25:33+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
"Working on homework" is a metaphor for reading rock paper shotgun.2012-08-15T19:24:17+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Hanging out at the department computer lab, working on homework in between my slacking....2012-08-13T22:53:36+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Also saw a package called spamoracle in cygwin. Was really hoping it was a package to automatically send spam to oracle. It was not.2012-08-13T22:50:06+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Was installing cygwin on my work computer when I saw a package called uw-imap. Apparently it (and pine) were made at my school #goodtoknow2012-08-12T04:18:02+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Been on twitter for awhile, starting to get annoyed by their ui. Identi.ca's is not great, but it's much better than twitter.2012-07-30T02:11:13+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Dear youtube advertisers I've said it before but you don't listen. Overly loud commercials get immediately muted. #badyoutubeads2012-07-29T08:15:30+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
I'm pretty sure there are some apples doing something funky in my trash. I really should empty that.... #oops@muelnettweets shouldn't come as a surprise that Apple is doing something funky ;)2012-07-25T01:13:24+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
My sister has been visiting from London, it's gotten me behind on all my various stuff. Enjoyed the visit so definitely worth it.2012-07-18T02:27:43+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
2012-07-15T23:14:34+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Does anyone know a good webservice for checking both twitter and identi.ca? I'd prefer it if I didn't have to host it myself...2012-07-15T23:13:35+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Dear advertisers: If you want me to watch your commercial unmuted don't make it ridiculously loud. Kthxbai2012-07-15T23:12:10+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Youtube has decided today is 'don't let muel watch videos day' apparently. #annoyed2012-07-12T05:04:17+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
My latency tonight is terrible. Have I mentioned recently that I hate Comcast? Because I do. Speed is fine but serious latency.