Guido Arnold guido@identi.ca
Bad Vilbel, Germany
Free Software enthusiast. Particularly interested in: Free Software in education, Free Knowledge and Free Culture. I don't really use this account anymore. You'll find me more active on Diaspora: https://pod.geraspora.de/u/ga
ostfriesenmärz march@identi.ca
Eure teelichter haben mir falsche vorstellungen von erleuchtung vermittelt.
mcsox@fmrl.me mcsox@fmrl.me
South-West of Germany
(male) aka http://quitter.se/mcscx https://identi.ca/mcscx https://twitter.com/mcscx
Azidah Jaslani pelaburanemaszone@identi.ca
Rumah Merayang, Malaysia
Pendedahan Teknik Bagaimana Meraih Keuntungan Emas Fizikal Secara Berkali-kali
Bembel Help bembelhelp@identi.ca
the profile @bembel has been silenced by site moderators, why? no reason, no answers! no spam, since 2009 active, over 14.500 quality dents!
Wildplakatierer wildplakatierer@identi.ca
Stuttgart, Germany
Einmillionster Besucher OBI-Markt Sindelfingen, goldene C&A-Kundenkarte
Hernán Rodriguez ranasx@identi.ca
San Rafael, Argentina
Estudiante de informática en I.E.S de informática, amante de libros, insectos, y musica rara, (raro al cuadrado) y todo lo que de la vida
ᕱᕳใᕲ࿈ ᔕᕈᖇᕱᗯᘂ ᔕᕳᕼᗝᘂᕱᖇ acid@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
Pinkie Sparkle stands for love against all odds. http://genderpopender.de http://anarchobroni.es #Feminismus #Anarchismus
I.Enys Untra dingosaar@identi.ca
Pundit newbie, ex-officer German Federal Defence (Bundeswehr), paramedic trainee, medical informaticist, single-parenting dog owner, liberal