Susan Pinochet sdp0@identi.ca
Atlanta, United States
avid computer user, former programmer, lover of good design, armchair philosopher, lesbian homemaker
Cannur Daşkıran cannur@identi.ca
Dorylaeum, Turkey
#pardus kullanıcısı. #blog yazarı. #identide ki geveze.
Essentials essentials@identi.ca
some tools and microblogs that i use myself - curated by @MYKLbiz
Andrea Soru jabaro@identi.ca
San Donato in Fronzano, Italy
Andrea Soru 'Jabaro' is an italian eclectic artist...
Jean-Marc Liotier liotier@identi.ca
Paris, France
Infovore, father, photography, roller-skating, cycling, Africa, Free software, open networks, adventure, wargaming, cooking and more geekery
Heinz Rainer aheneghana@identi.ca
Youhamba, Central African Republic
30 years Africa, Asia; from jungles, rain forests to Tibetan mountain ranges;
James Williams willia4@identi.ca
Charleston, United States
Professional Developer/Amateur Photographer Living in Charleston, SC
Reg Saddler zaibatsu@identi.ca
Denver, United States
Just a guy who loves Social Media and Tech. Want to know what our company does: The 1st Rule of Fightclub: you don't talk about Fightclub
Dave Bonta morningporch@identi.ca
Plummer's Hollow, Pennsylvania
The view from my front porch first thing in the morning. davebonta.com.
John Eckman jeckman@identi.ca
the JoshMeister thejoshmeister@identi.ca
Alta Loma, California, United States
Apple, tech, & computer security geek. Infosec writer. Podcast Producer for MacTech Magazine (macte.ch/itunes). Latter-day Saint. thejoshmeister.com
Mike McCallister workingwriter@identi.ca
West Allis, United States
I write: software manuals by day, Linux and WordPress books by night.
Java Latte c8h10o2n4@identi.ca
(a little creamy) + (a little dark) = (casually curating) x (everywhere i go)