Nathan Willis

To-do list

Nathan Willis at

I mentioned having a lengthy & growing technical to-do list a while back; for fun when I was consolidating it from various notes & bookmarks into one place, I thought I would just post it here.

I realize a lot of the items on the list are not going to appeal to some people. Trust me, they're not negotiable. One or two things may be quasi-entertainment related, but even then they're equally used for general information consumption. And yes, I know several of these set-up-a-new-machine issues (particularly all the things needed to get the single-core NUC into a workable state) are things I in theory could have done before shipping out to my present location, but trust me, I was super busy before then, too.

On the plus side, I did complete the first of the four major projects for the year yesterday, so now I feel like I have some time back.

the list:
compile panel weather indicator
figure out why wacom tablet is not recognized on NUC
get touchpad to disable when wacom is plugged in, laptop
change lock screen image on NUC
reinstall OS on old laptop
get pharos working on new laptop & old laptop
get bluetooth headset to default to A2DP and disable headphone profile

Install Broadcom CrystalHD card on NUC.
Patch & build crystalHD kernel driver
Get various media libraries to use crystalHD vaapi
install bluetooth-smartbulb library on NUC
script wake-up sequence for smartbulb; cronjob

build OpenWrt bootstrapping auto-extroot firmware for pocket router
configure pocket router
set up openVPN on pocket router
configure university VPN for ethernet-connected machines

combine GPG keys into subkeys of offline master key
add photo to GPG key

Set up git-dropbox-remote, all machines
Install Trufont in venv
Install fontmake / glyphs2ufo / fdk
Install greg & restore podcast subscriptions on NUC; cronjob
Configure 3 minidlna instances on NUC
Get USBOTG card reader working on phone + tablet
Install ncurses client software on NUC:
• timg
• rainbowstream
• cmus
• gcalcli / calcurse sync
• some pumpio client
• slack irc gateway to irssi
Install RTL-SDR on NUC
Let's Encrypt
Holy crap does Pumpa mangle a post whenever you try and edit it.... It's like two planes full of markdown and HTML -br- elements collided at an airshow....

Nathan Willis at 2016-11-23T20:40:23Z