maviel medina nagissa@identi.ca
David E. Narváez dmaggot@identi.ca
Panama, Panama
Advocate of Mathematics, Science, Computer Sciences and Free Software. Always interested in good music and research.
Beto Méndez haventfoundme@identi.ca
Atlanta, United States
Super duper happy to talk about myself here, so much to say Uni, family, work, and life;Too bad the one forty keeps me tamed. Thanks and bye
Norman Garcia n0rman@identi.ca
Informático, promotor del software libre, miembro de ubuntu Nicaragua y el grupo de usuarios de gnu/linux Nicaragua.
Gaby Mejía madgab@identi.ca
San Salvador, El Salvador
A very smiling person :D, I love animals, Informatic, programming && FLOSS!
Comunidad de Software Libre, UCR cslucr@identi.ca
Mantente al tanto del crecimiento de nuestra comunidad