Annette Strauch nettys@identi.ca
Expert in the study of European cultures (M.A. Volkskunde & Anglistik), languages, modern life and IT + everything to do with web 2.0.
Annette Strauch at 2009-08-20T11:11:44+00:00
New Snowdon cafe food seems like shit - yn wir: http://ur1.ca/9shgAnnette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-08-10T10:03:34+00:00
I cannot use my Twitter account this morning - & I am angry about it!Annette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-08-07T15:00:09+00:00
wedi darllen #metastwnsh; trafodaeth yn cael ei chynnal ar Faes y Steddfod ar sut mae pobol ifanc yn defnyddio’r we yn y GymraegAnnette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-07-17T13:04:24+00:00
Schweinegrippe in Machynlleth: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/UnNews:Swine_flu_in_Mid-Wales,_Machynlleth_and_Aberystwyth_areaAnnette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-07-02T09:42:04+00:00
Happy birthday identi.ca - #PENBLWYDD-HAPUSAnnette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-06-11T08:47:46+00:00
Looking forward to going here soon: http://www.myzeil.de/index.php?lang=enAnnette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-06-10T11:28:57+00:00
Had a very busy morning (papers, papers...), a light lunch and a latte macchiato - then 2 hours of sports! Tonight a game of Carcassonne ;-)Annette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-06-05T16:35:07+00:00
@bexxi - hope you enjoyed your shopping today! Wonder what you have found? Love browsing, too - clothes/incl. vintage. Next, etc. is boring!Annette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-06-03T17:33:25+00:00
could do with a Cortado / Pingo / Garoto :-)). VERY BUSY RIGHT NOW. It is a cooler summer evening...- Welsh weather ;-)Annette Strauch likes this.
@nettys ahhh wet and windy ;)Annette Strauch at 2009-05-30T17:12:21+00:00
is enjoying being outside all day. So much to prepare really - but I need to get some sun and regaining my energy. It's good!Annette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-05-29T17:02:59+00:00
Enjoying Halloren pralines Black Forest Gateaux;-). Highly addictive! Halloren globes. Also like: Latte Macchiato pralines. Frohe Pfingsten!Annette Strauch likes this.
frankenspock at 2009-05-27T03:51:24+00:00
btw, am I really getting married in 11 days? #gulpAnnette Strauch, Zach Copley, Evan Prodromou likes this.
@frankenspock sounds like @robynfantastica is doing all the work and you're just sitting there gulping away!Annette Strauch at 2009-05-19T09:05:48+00:00
алло - дождь ;-)Annette Strauch likes this.
@nettys wie lange hat's bei euch nicht geregnet das du ihn so freudig begrüßt?Tobias Diekershoff at 2009-05-19T09:17:51+00:00
Annette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-04-30T10:18:30+00:00
Envious:☼ Blue sky, sunshine, warm temp., it will be a perfect summer day...in april! Crazy weather! #Berlin #Weather #Wetter ☼ TODAY: 26 °CAnnette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-03-05T12:35:31+00:00
Annette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-03-04T09:28:22+00:00
My Blog - http://nettys.wordpress.com/ #Teetrinken-in-WalesAnnette Strauch likes this.
Annette Strauch at 2009-01-29T10:53:29+00:00
Thanks, Gill! Telling me over Christmas how good the #NHS is - esp. after what has happened to me!! You are so nice.Annette Strauch likes this.
Markus Merz at 2009-01-20T20:32:16+00:00
#inaug09 Inaugural parade begins (1h delay bc 2 Senators colapsed). I love those massive show offs with all the security e/where :)Annette Strauch likes this.
@markusmerz I went out for a while.... - a delay in the inaugural parade - really??!! Hello again! ;-)