NumberedHumanIndustries nhi@identi.ca
Richmond, United States
NumberedHumanIndustries is a company built to help sustain the Free, Libre, and Open Source users community In Richmond, IN and abroad.
2012-10-03T15:59:09+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Public
Just added a page advertising our Windows and Macintosh support!!! http://ur1.ca/ah0on2012-09-30T15:47:23+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Public
Google drops Pirate Bay from Autocomplete results http://ur1.ca/ag54b2012-09-29T14:43:58+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Dr. Roy Schestowitz, Public
RT @schestowitz #MapBox Aims For Open Source, Digital Map Revolution http://ur1.ca/afnqw #opensource #openstreetmapDr. Roy Schestowitz shared by NumberedHumanIndustries at 2012-09-29T14:42:57+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
#MapBox Aims For Open Source, Digital Map Revolution http://idealab.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/09/mapbox-aims-for-open-source-digital-map-revolution.php #opensourceNumberedHumanIndustries, NumberedHumanIndustries shared this.
2012-09-29T14:16:47+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Dr. Roy Schestowitz, Public
RT @schestowitz #Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice aim for Office 2013, cloud support in '13, '14 http://ur1.ca/afq1a #LibreOffice #odf #ibm2012-02-08T01:10:03+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Public
♺ @gortiz5150: Google, Twitter Cave to International Censorship Pressure - t.co/zpjvPkpr What's next freedom of speech? #occupycongress2012-02-03T00:21:15+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Dr. Roy Schestowitz, Public
♺ @schestowitz: #Openmoko smartphone reborn as hackable GTA04 http://goo.gl/x9etC fantastic stuff! #linux2012-01-26T05:07:24+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Public
Congress: Thanks for supporting freedom online and stopping #PIPA & #SOPA. Thank you for listening. http://t.co/gePNZrda2012-01-22T18:18:25+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Electronic Frontier Foundation, a(n) person, Public
♺ @shaunmallette: RT @YourAnonNews: We suggest you read the book Little Brother by Cory @Doctorow of @EFF (free ebook): http://t.co/Br0Z7jqC2012-01-11T22:41:53+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: a(n) person, Public
For the 10th anniversary of opening of #Gitmo, we want @BarackObama to #CloseGitmo. http://ur1.ca/7fd2e2012-01-09T05:02:42+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: a(n) person, Public
♺ @corq: RT @TheRealSpaf: Hacked memo leaked: Apple, Nokia, RIM supply backdoors for gov't intercept? - Computerworld http://t.co/bxSrVnG82012-01-09T02:41:34+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Open attitude, a(n) person, Public
♺ @shaunmallette: RT @Openattitude: @doctorow ’s Omen Shows Why We Need To Ban DRM | TorrentFreak http://t.co/PakXBt502012-01-09T02:39:24+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: AnonymousIRC, Public
♺ @rob_t_firefly: RT @AnonymousIRC: Why the Movie Industry Can’t Innovate and the Result is #SOPA http://t.co/p2eKi2cH #Anonymous #Berkeley2012-01-06T04:36:43+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Public
♺ @JPBarlow: The U.S. Is trying to force Internet censorship on other countries too. #ACTA=#SOPA http://t.co/G1htJIzQ2011-12-22T20:12:36+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Public
YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!! http://ur1.ca/6vyup2011-11-24T01:30:04+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Electronic Frontier Foundation, Public
♺ @EFF: Dutch Parliament says no to #ACTA secrecy! It won't consider ACTA unless all negotiation texts are public - http://t.co/ZHw5HOcl2011-11-17T19:57:31+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Public
♺ @aaronmhill: MSNBC coverage of Tim Pool's citizen journalism: http://t.co/ZIIWBHoI via @redtapechron #ows2011-11-17T03:14:35+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Public
♺ @xeni: NYPD hates books: police and Brookfield properties workers destroy #OWS library. Again. http://t.co/1MkSaoyr2011-11-10T20:44:20+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: Public
♺ @ChrisHardie: What if it were legal to invest in local small business the same way you can invest in Wall Street? http://t.co/mI2h2Cks2011-11-10T02:47:15+00:00 in City of Richmond, Indiana, United States To: a(n) person, Public
♺ @corq: Computerized Prison doors hacked with vulnerabilities used by Stuxnet worm ~ http://t.co/YM24hRc8 Researchers @strauchs @tiffanyrad