Michael Mußler niklot@identi.ca

Ich wurde geboren! Definitiv. Ich wuchs auf! Glücklicherweise. Ich bin auf dem Weg zum Mond! War ja klar.


  • Arthur Schiwon blizzz@identi.ca

    Berlin, Germany

    Kubuntu and KDE addict and contributor, ownCloud developer, soccer fan, various-sorts-of-rock music listener and night owl

  • Command Line Magic climagic@identi.ca

    Cool Unix/Linux Command Line tricks you can use in 140 characters or less.

  • Brakula brakula@identi.ca

    Bramfeld, Germany

    Als kulturelles Zentrum in Bramfeld bieten wir den kulturellen Ausdrucksformen der Menschen im Stadtteil eine Plattform.

  • Jonathan Nadeau frostbite@identi.ca

    Ildefonso, Brazil

    I'm a father and husband along with being a blind GNU/Linux user. Who Also is an advocate of accessibility with Free software.

  • Adrian F. koalatux@identi.ca

    Zurich, Switzerland

  • Grazer Linuxtage linuxtage@identi.ca

    Graz, Austria

    20. April 2013, Event, Open Source, Community, Projekte, Graz Account aus Personalmangel derzeit inaktiv - du willst mithelfen? Melde dich!

  • Chemnitzer LinuxTage clt@identi.ca


    Aktuelle News zu den Chemnitzer LinuxTagen in wenigen Worten zusammengefasst.

  • Nachrichten nachrichten@identi.ca

    Steinrode, Germany

  • Venty Lator venty@identi.ca

    Schlieren, Switzerland

    Hackerfunker, Rockstar, Unix-Hosli und CEO (Chief Essens Organizer) der Linux Users Group Switzerland.

  • undeletable unchangeable unuseable for years miradlo@identi.ca

    doesnt matter

    unusable undeletable account since 2018 unchangeable since 2013 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Asked Evan various times https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Prodromou ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Evan promised to make it deletable. Evan wrote he would delete the account, but nothing happens. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: undeletable account and undeletable posts undeletable infos since 2018 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

  • Frank Holldorff ravenonline@identi.ca

    Heidelberg, Germany

    #kaffee #drupal #socialweb #rollenspiel #lesen #erdfisch

  • Michael Spahn cookiekiller@identi.ca

    Fedora, XFCE, OpenBox, Linux <3

  • HerrGuenni herrguenni@identi.ca

    Plaun dils Matts, Switzerland

    at twitter https://www.twitter.com/herr_guenni

  • Dominic Hopf dmaphy@identi.ca

    Hamburg, Germany

    Free Software Hacker; Fedora Ambassador; Fellow of FSFE; Weird Guy; What a Pirate is meant to be;

  • swordfish23 swordfish23@identi.ca

    Dresden, Germany

    create 'n represent

  • Carsten Neumann cne@identi.ca

    Morston, United Kingdom

    IT Fachjournalist

  • Atari-Frosch atarifrosch@identi.ca

    I'm not here anymore, just can't delete my account. You can find me here: https://social.stopwatchingus-heidelberg.de/atarifrosch or here: https://twitter.com/AtariFrosch

  • DigitalAngel digitalangel@identi.ca

    Burton, United States

    Schon morgen ist heute gestern...

  • Nordpirat nordpirat@identi.ca

    Morston, United Kingdom

    Pirates of the n☮rth assemble...

  • Åke Åkeström elchverleiher@identi.ca

    Bis Kiel sind's von hier 30 Meter...