Ryan Macnish nisshh@identi.ca
Finke, Australia
Dedicated linux user and a self-confessed geek when it comes to computers.
2013-04-01T12:13:06+00:00 in Australia To: Public
Might start using identi.ca again, twitter gets a little boring2011-05-29T00:46:21+00:00 in Australia To: Public
I decided to just sign up on #twitter as well anyway, i will use both twitter and identica now.2011-05-29T22:58:33+00:00 in Australia To: a(n) person, Public
2011-05-28T00:58:36+00:00 in Australia To: Public
Dont you just hate it when your sisters use up nearly all your net bandwidth by watching hundreds of music videos a day in 1080p?2011-05-28T00:57:28+00:00 in Australia To: Public
Im not sure why, but gaming has all of a sudden become way less entertaining for me.2011-05-28T19:57:33+00:00 in Australia To: Public
I have confirmed that C was created purely to make everyone's brain hurt. #c2011-05-28T01:32:41+00:00 in Australia To: Public
Hah, there is actually a band called LMFAO. #win :)2011-05-28T01:29:58+00:00 in Australia To: Public
Dammit, now MOC is having massive file io fits, back to grooveshark i go.2011-05-27T20:55:18+00:00 in Australia To: Public
@vk7hse Im not, my sleep pattern is just screwed. :)2011-05-27T20:44:31+00:00 in Australia To: a(n) person, Public
2011-05-27T19:46:16+00:00 in Australia To: Public
@omns I should be, but my sleeping pattern is out of whack, so i woke up at 8pm. ;)2011-05-27T16:57:15+00:00 in Australia To: Public
@jimmorgan No, its saturday here. :)2011-05-27T16:00:57+00:00 in Australia To: Public
Ah shit, now my dad knows what internet bandwidth is, he is checking it and making me slow down, even though i never go over the limit.2011-05-27T15:49:36+00:00 in Australia To: Public
Continuing to configure fluxbox to my liking.2011-05-27T15:19:11+00:00 in Australia To: Public
Tried everyones suggestions (thanks!), going with lxterminal for now.2011-05-27T15:03:31+00:00 in Australia To: Public
Can anyone suggest a good alternative to gnome-terminal? im ditching the last parts of gnome from my setup !cli2011-05-27T14:47:27+00:00 in Australia To: Public
Would it be wrong if i started using both identica and twitter?Show all 6 replies@nisshh: Yes! But I think that your nick is already taken at Twitter.@nisshh yes ;)2011-05-27T13:10:30+00:00 in Australia To: Public
Geez my brain isnt working today.2011-05-27T13:09:52+00:00 in Australia To: Sander, Public
@sandersch See my last dent.2011-05-26T22:32:04+00:00 in Australia To: Public
Yes! My net connection is working properly again! #fuckingmiracle