Nathan R. Yergler nyergler@identi.ca
2013-07-30T16:08:39Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public
What did I do at @pyohio? Wrote Emacs Lisp, of course; Jedi can figure out when you're in a virtualenv or buildout: http://yergler.net/blog/2013/07/28/emacs-jedi/pmate, Christopher Allan Webber, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber shared this.
2013-07-24T18:01:47Z via Identi.ca Web To: Evan Prodromou CC: Public
The "activity notification" emails from new identi.ca seem kind of useless; why do I have to click through to see the reply/comment? #thatguyJoar Wandborg, Susan Pinochet, Greg Grossmeier likes this.
Hey, I was wondering when that guy would show up.Evan Prodromou at 2013-07-24T19:33:54Z
X11R5, Mike Linksvayer, Nathan R. Yergler, Daniel E. Renfer and 2 others likes this.
2013-07-24T17:40:40Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Taking notes in Emacs while listening to a Perl guy talk about VIM. #dogsandcats #apocalypse #osconChristopher Allan Webber, Greg Grossmeier likes this.
2013-06-06T20:09:49+00:00 in China Basin, California, United States via web To: Public
So Madeline is the poster-dog for finals time de-stressing at UC Davis. #irony http://ur1.ca/e7n4x2013-06-05T18:01:16+00:00 in China Basin, California, United States via web To: Public
So happy that @eventbrite is sponsoring @pyohio. Come join me there for a weekend of Python!Christopher Allan Webber, Greg Grossmeier, Evan Prodromou likes this.
2013-04-29T15:08:24+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via web To: Public
Interested in learning #Django? Join me at OSCON for Effective Django! http://oscon.com Use promo code "YERGLER" for 20% off registration.2013-04-12T05:12:06+00:00 via web To: Public
Authoring tutorials with #Sphinx? #Tut is now simpler for managing sample code. http://ur1.ca/dcqpt #writethedocs2013-04-12T15:16:52+00:00 in South Beach, United States via mustard To: Public
Is anyone else bewildered by the lack of Phil Collins cover bands?2013-04-10T00:25:57+00:00 via web To: Public
OH: "Sloths, unlike honey badgers, give a shit." #writethedocsChristopher Allan Webber likes this.
2013-04-10T18:46:02+00:00 via web To: Public
2013-04-08T17:20:57+00:00 via web To: Public
2013-03-21T04:51:16+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via web To: Public
Made the mistake of reading comments on a #HN thread. And then blackholed the domain on my laptop. Let's see if I miss it in a week.Craig Maloney, Greg Grossmeier likes this.
2013-03-21T04:49:59+00:00 in San Francisco, United States via web To: Public
@PyCon was amazing: the talks, the Pi, the community, the sprints. Thank you, @jessenoller, et al.2013-03-19T21:46:01+00:00 in Santa Clara, California, United States via web To: Public
#Hieroglyph 0.5.5 is out: bug fixes, cleanup, and way better documentation. http://ur1.ca/d43ut #pycon #sphinx #rst2013-03-19T15:44:19+00:00 in Santa Clara, California, United States via web To: Public
Tut made it easy for me to put my #PyCon tutorial together; now you can use it, too! #python #sphinx #docutils http://ur1.ca/d3zs32013-03-15T21:43:40+00:00 in Heinlenville (historical), California, United States via mustard To: Public
Noticed #pycon slides labeled as GNU GFDL. Doesn't that mean there should be a dozen slides at the end with the license text?@nyergler I'd go for teeny tiny text about total size of, or for #vaguejokes "embedded in a license button"Mike Linksvayer at 2013-03-15T21:57:31+00:00
Greg Grossmeier likes this.
2013-03-15T18:33:16+00:00 in Agnew, California, United States via mustard To: Public
Hey, @paulproteus is giving a #pycon talk and using #hieroglyph for slides! #rst #sphinx http://ur1.ca/d2mhxChristopher Allan Webber, Evan Prodromou likes this.
2013-03-15T16:09:53+00:00 in Mobile Parks West Mobile Home Park, Milpitas, California, United States via mustard To: Public
#PyCon proper about to start: so great to see so many friends in one room.Christopher Allan Webber, Evan Prodromou likes this.
2013-03-14T14:10:22+00:00 in Santa Clara, California, United States via web To: Public
2013-03-11T22:32:55+00:00 via web To: Public
Coming to #PyCon? Just me and Eventbrite Friday evening for the second annual PyCon Poker Night. http://ur1.ca/d1hvzWish I were there!Christopher Allan Webber at 2013-03-11T23:28:24+00:00
Greg Grossmeier likes this.