Informaticienne libre / Free Computing Person odile@identi.ca
Paris, France
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Stav Prodromou at 2010-06-02T04:40:32+00:00
!listening to Beethoven's "Diabelli Variations" !cm !piano by Piotr Anderszewski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9wL8Qd4IXM&feature=relatedInformaticienne libre / Free Computing Person likes this.
Alix Cazenave at 2010-01-07T12:39:13+00:00
Sonnée. Séguin est mort. Ça me ramène loin. Réflexion sur mon parcours, mes convictions, mes combats. Ça va ;) mais j'ai du boulot. Plein.Informaticienne libre / Free Computing Person likes this.
Alix Cazenave at 2010-01-07T14:05:45+00:00
Que va faire Rue89 de sa subvention presse en ligne ? Réponse: du Logiciel Libre ! http://bit.ly/6zNqPK via @framasoftInformaticienne libre / Free Computing Person likes this.
Alix Cazenave at 2010-01-08T13:11:29+00:00
A Free Software intergroup in the European Parliament!!! http://ur1.ca/jc1w !april !freesoftwareInformaticienne libre / Free Computing Person, Alexis Monville likes this.
Alexis Monville shared this.