oitnam oitnam@identi.ca
2013-05-31T04:00:01+00:00 To: Public
♲ Twitter / OccupyWallStNYC: »OccupyWallStNYC: RT @GlobalRevLive: Breaking: TURKISH POLICE ATTACKING... http://ur1.ca/e42hn2013-04-03T23:00:23+00:00 To: Public
testing2013-02-04T23:51:53+00:00 To: Public
Interesting book and argument by Andrew Kliman on the causes of the global economic crisis: http://ur1.ca/cp53s ... http://ur1.ca/cp53t2012-11-26T18:36:19+00:00 To: Public
Potentially interesting project, using mobile phones to create wifi mesh networks. http://ur1.ca/4zls9 link http://ur1.ca/bgezf2012-09-10T04:28:24+00:00 To: Public
♲ Twitter / MOREcaucusNYC MOREcaucusNYC: Donate to strike fund of 26,000 Chicago Teachers Going on Strike W/O Pay... http://ur1.ca/a69q42012-08-03T17:28:13+00:00 To: Public
truly scary shit. ♲ tony baldwin http://is.gd/7W087v #creationism #science #wtf link http://is.gd/e4rmpb2012-07-29T03:55:14+00:00 To: Public
♲ Twitter / DougHenwoodDougHenwood: RT @OccupyWallStNYC@twitter: Environmental activists today shut down... http://ur1.ca/9unzy2012-07-27T02:58:04+00:00 To: Public
Design goals of the next-generation iteration of zot, Friendica's communication protocol: http://ur1.ca/9uaj6#friendica #zot2012-07-17T15:39:17+00:00 To: Public
♲ schestowitzTechBytes Episode 69: Richard Stallman on ‘Secure’ Boot (UEFI), Coreboot, GRUB... http://ur1.ca/9sksa2012-07-11T17:04:11+00:00 To: Public
2012-07-10T18:18:38+00:00 To: Public
interesting.♲ lwnnetGalaxy in-memory data grid released http://ur1.ca/9rb15 http://ur1.ca/9rb152012-07-05T18:59:10+00:00 To: Public
♲ Twitter / DougHenwoodDougHenwood: RT @Newyorkist: Irving Place is #Occupied: http://t.co/KucjwS62 via @3panwolf... http://ur1.ca/9qc7x2012-06-15T22:40:28+00:00 To: Public
Interesting paper on number systems used by the Maya... ♲ metztli http://ur1.ca/9iegc "For the #Maya, zero was the... http://ur1.ca/9iegf2012-04-26T01:39:55+00:00 To: Public
identi.ca test...2012-04-07T05:29:23+00:00 To: Public
testing connectors: twitter and status.net...2012-03-28T20:06:17+00:00 To: Public
♲ sakata gintoki http://ur1.ca/8tzgs #mathematician http://ur1.ca/8tzgt #AmalieNoether http://ur1.ca/8tzgv #[url=ht... http://ur1.ca/8tzgx2012-03-23T15:00:53+00:00 To: Public
Wow, words of wisdom from Rivera: blame the victim! ♲ Lunachik http://ur1.ca/8s5mx Fox's Geraldo Rivera B... http://ur1.ca/8s5mz2012-03-21T02:49:41+00:00 To: Public
good weather!2012-03-19T02:11:09+00:00 To: Public
testing Status.net connector...2012-03-18T04:34:04+00:00 To: Public
testing connectors to other networks...