JC Brand opkode@identi.ca
South Africa
FLOSS web developer, specializing in Python, Plone, Pyramid, Javascript and XMPP. Likes sunsets and long walks on the beach.
2013-06-21T09:06:42+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Cool timelapse of sunset to moonrise over Cape Town http://is.gd/BUIlpM I love this city2013-06-05T13:10:18+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
OH: There's another one of those estate agent signs where she looks more like a sex worker than an agent2013-06-03T21:07:35+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
I've just made a new release of Converse.js, a Javascript XMPP chat client. Version 0.4 is now available http://conversejs.org2013-05-11T09:23:19+00:00 To: Public
I love this... as if using #VIM wasn't already like playing a game, someone went and created a real VIM-game http://ur1.ca/92ktl2013-04-19T11:48:40+00:00 To: Public
"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important" - Bertrand Russel2013-04-08T09:26:17+00:00 To: Public
Just signed up for #UX_CT at The Barn in Cape Town http://ur1.ca/db1ue Some interesting talks and speakers lined up!2013-04-04T07:22:35+00:00 To: Public
Hilarious and spot on #Onion parody of #TED talks: http://is.gd/0snuhv (found on HN discussion page on O'Reilly/Morozov debate)2013-04-04T15:26:39+00:00 To: Public
The #samsung headphones that came with my S3 have twice now been in my gymn shorts in the washing machine and they still work2013-04-04T13:45:28+00:00 To: Public
LFMAO, these 2 books contain the sum total of all human knowledge: http://is.gd/jtI17z2013-04-03T14:17:57+00:00 To: Public
Wanna organize a #Plone sprint? The Plone Foundation has funding available: http://is.gd/3Cr4ri Also, I'm proud of the ZA Plone community!2013-04-02T12:31:06+00:00 To: Public
New blogpost on converse.js: a javascript instant messaging client for the browser (with backbone.js and strophe.js) http://is.gd/RJfzvd2013-03-15T03:50:28+00:00 To: Public
8 Years of Digital Proliferation (comparison of Vatican crowd) http://ur1.ca/d2fmf (via #reddit)2013-03-13T08:05:29+00:00 To: Marius Gedminas, Public
Hey @mgedmin I just found and started using your python-imports script. Very nice! http://is.gd/eAI4Dw2013-02-18T13:47:33+00:00 To: Public
This made my day, absolutely incredible 3d fractals. http://is.gd/cA2U5r2013-02-03T08:01:41+00:00 To: Public
Interesting article on the collaborative economy: "How to make everything ourselves with open modular hardware" http://is.gd/3dWPUK2013-02-01T15:42:33+00:00 To: Public
Metallica has been doing some interesting covers lately... http://is.gd/R2k7QL2013-01-29T09:15:46+00:00 To: Public
Someone made a metal song about a vegan's description of eating a chicken sandwich. Just a normal day on the interwebs http://is.gd/q47rZn2013-01-29T14:01:54+00:00 To: Public
I've written a blogpost about the Cape Town leg of the #wineandbeersprint http://is.gd/C1NQmc #Plone2013-01-21T13:06:47+00:00 To: Public
"The Lion City", beautiful and amazing timelapse video of Singapore by Keith Loutit http://is.gd/YG1Dbi2013-01-16T11:47:45+00:00 To: Public
New releases of collective.xmpp.core (0.1b1) and collective.xmpp.chat (0.2b2). We have had prev releases deployed in production since Dec.