mustard at 2012-03-12T21:58:46+00:00
No, identi.ca has a problem building the link, this is your photo http://ur1.ca/8mmumosamah likes this.
Osama Khalid at 2011-09-14T14:03:36+00:00
Not only does Riyadh police use Gmail, but they also use Google Translate! https://twitpic.com/6k7xot #onlyinsaudiarabiaosamah likes this.
Taha at 2011-09-14T23:13:26+00:00
Windows 8 has finally updated the Blue Screen Of Death - osamah likes this.
usb333 at 2011-09-03T01:43:35+00:00
الأصل في الجمل العربية أن يسبق التصريح التلميح، وأخطاء أخرى شائعة: http://www.saaid.net/Doat/hasn/73.htm وتظل لغة إعلامنا في واد آخر !Arabicosamah likes this.
Bitch Please, Bitch Please shared this.
Suliman Mohammed at 2011-08-26T03:51:57+00:00
يعتقد حثالة المجتمع ان العماله خلقوا لخدمته،هم يعملون كما تعمل لكن الله ابتلاهم بمصيبه لم يبتليك بها وهي أنت ..osamah likes this.