0x0deep oxodeep@identi.ca
Madrid, Spain
A Spanish GNU/Linux, hacking, science enthusiast. Curiosity kills me. I don't know why I hate only one thing: Windows
ha votado a favor de "Debian (or Debian based)"
2013-02-25T09:22:08+00:00 To: rsiddharth, GNU's Not Unix, Public
2013-02-16T17:36:32+00:00 in Madrid, Madrid, Spain To: Public
Playing with /etc/shadow and Python http://ur1.ca/ctr3x2012-11-22T14:26:33+00:00 in Madrid, Madrid, Spain To: Public
How to integrate dianoea honeypot with OSSIM. http://ur1.ca/b8u822012-11-18T09:26:29+00:00 in Madrid, Madrid, Spain To: Public
HoneyDrive http://ur1.ca/b10ioshared by 0x0deep at 2012-11-08T15:02:46+00:00 To: Public
Urgent: Get Greg Palast's book http://ur1.ca/auax0shared by 0x0deep at 2012-11-08T15:02:46+00:00 via web To: Public
Urgent: Get Greg Palast's book http://ur1.ca/auax0ha votado a favor de "Banshee"
2012-06-27T08:58:32+00:00 To: Public
Cárlisson Galdino shared by 0x0deep at 2012-06-02T21:00:20+00:00 via web To: Public
Onde essa disputa de OpenOffice X LibreOffice vai parar? http://ur1.ca/9fdwwCárlisson Galdino shared by 0x0deep at 2012-06-02T21:00:20+00:00 To: Public
Onde essa disputa de OpenOffice X LibreOffice vai parar? http://ur1.ca/9fdww2012-06-02T19:40:17+00:00 in Madrid, Madrid, Spain To: Public
Trisquel GNU/Linux shared by 0x0deep at 2012-03-03T23:04:46+00:00 via web To: Public
!Trisquel 5.5 Beta images are finaly here: http://ur1.ca/8hli5 No more speculations! ;-)Trisquel GNU/Linux shared by 0x0deep at 2012-03-03T23:04:46+00:00 To: Public
!Trisquel 5.5 Beta images are finaly here: http://ur1.ca/8hli5 No more speculations! ;-)2011-07-22T09:39:26+00:00 in Madrid, Madrid, Spain To: Public
Tor y nmap o como anonimizar el uso de nmap en BT5. http://www.syderoxylon.com/?p=3302011-06-17T14:38:06+00:00 in Madrid, Madrid, Spain To: Public
Experimentos sobre la vulnerabilidad de sistemas biométricos. http://www.syderoxylon.com/docs/evsb.pdf2011-06-14T13:08:07+00:00 in Madrid, Madrid, Spain To: Public
The Linux Alternative Project http://www.linuxalt.com2011-06-13T11:59:54+00:00 in Madrid, Madrid, Spain To: Public
Two new projects can help free software replace Skype. http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/skype-replacement-projects2011-06-13T11:09:10+00:00 in Madrid, Madrid, Spain To: Public
Españoles por el mundo: Int3Pids en Las Vegas http://www.elladodelmal.com/2011/06/espanoles-por-el-mundo-int3pids-en-las.html2011-06-13T10:53:50+00:00 in Madrid, Madrid, Spain To: Public
http://identi.ca/ Identi.ca is a microblogging service.2011-06-13T10:49:39+00:00 To: Public
Aqui estoy!!2011-06-13T10:48:23+00:00 To: Public
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