Paige Stuart paige@identi.ca
London, United Kingdom
I am an Interior Designer since 2010 and likes creativity.I like to make many friends.
X11R5 at 2013-03-03T22:06:24+00:00
@trinux ¡Nueva razón no les diste acceso a la distro lÃder en el emacsPaige Stuart likes this.
CUENTA NO ACTIVA at 2013-03-03T18:30:22+00:00
Paige Stuart likes this.
@trinux ¡Nueva razón no les diste acceso a la distro lÃder en el emacsX11R5 at 2013-03-03T22:06:24+00:00
Paige Stuart likes this.
Chatterbox at 2013-03-04T07:58:30+00:00
بالاخره #بلندر هم داره از روی svn میره روی git. خوشحال میشم این اتفاق بیافته. رونوشت به @b3rsam ;)Paige Stuart likes this.
freehdmovies onlinedb at 2013-02-14T09:51:37+00:00
http://identi.ca/url/75194530 One Bowling Green, 3rd Floor , New York, NY 10004 Phone - 866-840-1752Paige Stuart likes this.
canary in a coma at 2013-02-15T10:15:27+00:00
Wann wurde DDoS eigentlich zu Hacken?Paige Stuart likes this.
@scanlines Als man merkte, dass es leichter ist, Dinge zu kriminalisieren als unbekannte, neue Dinge zu lernen.Peter Cannon at 2013-02-15T10:16:53+00:00
Definite signs of "The left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing" today. :-(Paige Stuart likes this.
alex at 2013-02-15T10:18:30+00:00
pax_: Now we know! (OCD meets porn) http://t.co/4bGVv3gnPaige Stuart likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz at 2013-02-15T10:19:32+00:00
'America Doesn't Torture'—It Kills http://www.thenation.com/article/172896/america-doesnt-torture-it-kills# From The NationPaige Stuart likes this.
Jose R Rodriguez, Jose R Rodriguez shared this.
Wissenschaft und Schreie at 2013-02-15T10:19:33+00:00
"#Hunde erkennen Artgenossen auch auf Bildern" http://is.gd/johfJW !wissenschaft !de !nachrichten !dailymePaige Stuart likes this.
The Cybernetic Critic at 2013-02-15T10:20:06+00:00
I think that http://ur1.ca/ctesr is a failure.Paige Stuart likes this.
The Cybernetic Artwork Nobody Wrote at 2013-02-15T10:00:06+00:00
Some crosshatched copper houses on a sketchy pale cotton-coloured ground.Paige Stuart likes this.
I think that http://ur1.ca/ctesr is a failure.The Cybernetic Critic at 2013-02-15T10:20:06+00:00
Paige Stuart likes this.
Wissenschaft und Schreie at 2013-02-15T10:22:30+00:00
#Medikamente aus Haushaltsabwässern verändern Verhalten von Fischen http://is.gd/ppJTg8 !wissenschaft !de !umwelt !nachrichten !dailymePaige Stuart likes this.
cygwinports at 2013-02-15T10:23:09+00:00
Just added experimental x86_64-cygwin support to cygport; use --64/-8 option to build 64bit native pkgs from 32bit with Ports cygwin64-gccPaige Stuart likes this.
Stav Prodromou at 2013-02-09T17:01:49+00:00
Moving up rapidly to the top of the "want" list for my next !birthday or Christmas http://identi.ca/url/75148684Paige Stuart likes this.
The nice thing is that once you buy one, you never have to buy another.Evan Prodromou at 2013-02-09T17:03:52+00:00
Stav Prodromou likes this.
Stav Prodromou at 2013-02-15T01:02:15+00:00
Not me. I got her Valentine's Day gifts yesterday!Paige Stuart likes this.
zoowar at 2013-02-15T01:52:00+00:00
!Listening to Epic Sax http://ur1.ca/ctbkzPaige Stuart likes this.