Patrick Logan patrickdlogan@identi.ca
Software professional, beach lover, dog lover, sports lover, history buff, father, husband, and so on.
2012-07-18T13:57:19+00:00 via web To: Public
Facebook account? Deleted. LinkedIn? Deleted. Twitter? Deleted... "Please don't hurt the web." I heard a little fox muttering to himself.2012-07-18T13:56:18+00:00 via web To: Public
Is this thing on? I'm back.2010-05-05T05:30:03+00:00 via Posterous To: Public
Is Composing More Readable Than Folding? http://post.ly/eraG2010-05-05T04:30:04+00:00 via Posterous To: Public
Is Composing More Readable Than Folding? http://post.ly/eraG2010-01-21T02:46:39+00:00 via Posterous To: Public
Type Theorists Can (Sometimes) Go Pound Salt In Rat Holes http://post.ly/JiOV2010-01-16T21:16:10+00:00 via Posterous To: Public
2010-01-06T07:22:47+00:00 via web To: Gabriel Saldana, Public
@patrickdlogan -e option worked, thanks!@patrickdlogan in !debian I had to change etags for ctags-exuberant which supports --exclude@patrickdlogan now I get a tags file is not a valid tags table when using M-x visit-tags-table2010-01-06T06:25:43+00:00 via Posterous To: Public
Editing PHP with TAGS and Emacs or Vim -ish Tools http://post.ly/HN0e@patrickdlogan i get an error on using the --exclude option2010-01-05T06:19:31+00:00 via Posterous To: Public
Ubuntu hosting and upgrading VirtualBox http://post.ly/HGf02009-11-21T14:52:55+00:00 via web To: Public
"semantic tech good sides are rarely expressed, but are substituted with bloated, pink, unfulfillable dreams." http://ur1.ca/g9bh2009-11-20T16:12:29+00:00 via web To: Public
seems like Chrome OS will turn out to be either the *most* flexible, or the *least* flexible OS ever?2009-11-20T03:49:45+00:00 via web To: Public
(Everything is a system, and everyone will try to work it to their advantage. #warispeace )2009-11-20T03:48:48+00:00 via web To: Public
This should have been the rest of the sentence: "...not for food safety, but to impinge upon increasingly popular small, local food co.'s."2009-11-20T03:45:40+00:00 via web To: Public
"Big food companies have pushed stronger food safety legislation..." -um, yeah. right. I have a bridge to sell you! http://ur1.ca/g67l2009-11-20T03:34:12+00:00 via web To: Public
Would be interesting: market-based decision-making strategy applied within an org running with Jack Stack's "open book management" approach.2009-11-20T14:42:32+00:00 via web To: Public
Kind of like Clapton doing Layla as a slow, acoustic vamp. Oh, wait. He did do Layla as a slow, acoustic vamp. Ugh.2009-11-20T14:40:01+00:00 via web To: Public
There's a slow as molasses live version of Wavelength on youtube. Please go immediately to the studio version.2009-11-20T14:37:34+00:00 via web To: Public
"I hear the Voice of America calling me on the radio, singing, 'Come back, baby, come back'" -Van Morrison2009-11-19T20:24:26+00:00 via web To: Public
i.e. social network of, say, IT org. communication v. constrained. people at the leaves are the "market" investing in top branches' ideas.2009-11-19T20:19:51+00:00 via web To: Public
Motorola: "socialized innovation" -would like to see this applied to org. improv. as well. http://ur1.ca/g5hn