2013-07-07T20:04:08+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
#AESorg members, deadline for BoG vote is Fri. Look for email circa May 31 with subject line "AES 2013 Election" for PIN + instructions2013-07-03T15:50:55+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada via web To: a(n) person, Public
Love this explanation from James Ehnes on the genius of Stradavari. String theories - FT.com http://on.ft.com/12TdOQt via @FT2013-07-03T15:49:09+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
James Ehnes: "Lots of violins sound good. The difference lies not in how they sound, but in the possibilities they give to the player."2013-06-30T18:35:54+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
Feedly? Feed Wrangler?! Argh!! Wish I had time (skill) to set up Tiny Tiny RSS.2013-06-28T17:26:43+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
Oh happy day! @TheOPears debut EP release Tue July 2, 6:30 pm @ Bloor Street United Church (300 Bloor St West, Toronto) http://ur1.ca/egvkc2013-06-14T00:39:38+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
In case you were wondering, the spectacular 180 degree rainbow #Toronto is looking at originates about 1 block from our place2013-06-13T01:44:57+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
Reminding myself that one can do a layover or open-jaw on Aeroplan points which makes them considerably more attractive http://ur1.ca/eay9v2013-06-10T18:55:12+00:00 in New Toronto, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
"Neil Macdonald: Big Brother is listening in and no one seems to care" http://ur1.ca/e9srj2013-06-08T17:37:46+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
Sigh "11.0.4 podcast artwork in mini player not showing chapter artwork" http://ur1.ca/e8uf3 Bloody miniplayer2013-06-07T22:04:18+00:00 in Long Branch, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
Have to say this looks more like a pissing match than a news item. "Conservative Party denies secret fund run by PMO" http://ur1.ca/e8dgw2013-06-02T21:25:51+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
Re rolling back iTunes versions, this tip re .itl files was helpful http://ur1.ca/e5nii2013-06-02T20:55:07+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
Rolling back to iTunes 11.0.2 solves issue with enhanced podcasts. Seems miniplayer redesign for 11.0.3 broke enhanced podcast playback2013-06-02T20:43:07+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
cd /Applications/ sudo rm -rf iTunes.app2013-05-29T00:48:59+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada via web To: Public
iTunes 11.0.3. Can anyone tell me how to view chapter images in enhanced podcasts? Either broken (again) or UI has changed (again) or both2013-05-29T01:32:57+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada To: Public
We can see the chapter images in enhanced podcasts using Quicktime. BUT there is no way to view or follow the embedded URL2013-05-27T03:20:48+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Air Canada. Cheaper to fly YYZ-BNA and then BNA-YHZ via YYZ than to fly YYZ-BNA return. Mind boggles. Save $40 and skip 2nd leg?2013-05-26T14:52:39+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Mail -> Window -> Previous Recipients. Sort by Last Used. List goes back 5 years. Leopard. Four OS's and one career ago.2013-05-23T02:50:04+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Pardon me for nerding out, but this is hilarious. "Happy Birthday Wagner Style" http://ur1.ca/dzrhj2013-05-21T02:52:46+00:00 in The Junction, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Victoria Day fireworks? Put to shame by the much more spectacular thunder and lightening show.2013-05-01T10:36:55+00:00 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada To: Public
current marking marathon complete. finally able to turn my attention to other responsibilities