Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez petrizzo@identi.ca
Merida, Venezuela
Investigadora en:TICs,Ciudadanía y Conocimiento Libre,redes sociales,des endógeno,riesgo social, formación ciudadana y e-gob.
2014-02-03T13:21:08Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2014-02-03T13:20:42Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-04-01T03:55:54+00:00 via web To: Public
haces falta #Chavez ... pero aún en tu ausencia, la vida se nutre con tu ejemplo de vida y luchaMaykel Moya shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-06-24T12:38:22+00:00 via web To: Public
PayPal bans BitTorrent friendly VPN provider http://j.mp/L6wEHu /via @glynmoodyMaria Angela Petrizzo Paez, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez shared this.
Maykel Moya shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-06-24T12:38:22+00:00 via web To: Public
PayPal bans BitTorrent friendly VPN provider http://j.mp/L6wEHu /via @glynmoodyMaria Angela Petrizzo Paez, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez shared this.
2012-06-13T21:47:50+00:00 via web To: Martín Olivera, Public
@martinolivera me gustó tu charla. Hablar de neutralidad es, definitivamente, una trampa neoliberal (una más) =)2012-04-28T16:26:07+00:00 via web To: Public
2012-04-21T11:39:50+00:00 via web To: Public
Desde Siria #Virtus una nueva dist #Linux basada en #Ubuntu que supera algunas invasiones de privacidad http://ur1.ca/91xi3 #SoftwareLibredadava shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-03-26T11:10:18+00:00 via web To: Public
Cuba: un oasis de derechos para la mujer. http://b1t.it/bcewdadava shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-03-26T11:10:18+00:00 via web To: Public
Cuba: un oasis de derechos para la mujer. http://b1t.it/bcewLa Quadrature du Net shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-03-26T09:19:22+00:00 via web To: Public
ACTA: The EU Parliament Must Face Its Political Responsibility http://lqdn.fr/node/5576Benoit Mortier likes this.
Benoit Mortier, Benoit Mortier, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez shared this.
La Quadrature du Net shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-03-26T09:19:22+00:00 via web To: Public
ACTA: The EU Parliament Must Face Its Political Responsibility http://lqdn.fr/node/5576Benoit Mortier likes this.
Benoit Mortier, Benoit Mortier, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez shared this.
Wil Alvarez shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-02-29T23:00:31+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
#Vinotinto, contigo en las buenas y en las malas <3Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez shared this.
Wil Alvarez shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-02-29T23:00:31+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
#Vinotinto, contigo en las buenas y en las malas <3Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez shared this.
La Quadrature du Net shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-02-28T12:47:43+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
[fr][LEst-Eclair] Des Troyens manifestent contre l'ACTA http://lqdn.fr/node/5452Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez shared this.
La Quadrature du Net shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-02-28T12:47:43+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
[fr][LEst-Eclair] Des Troyens manifestent contre l'ACTA http://lqdn.fr/node/5452Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez shared this.
Kenny Ossa shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-02-27T20:11:21+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
en la tarde estaré apoyando al colectivo @mundoaccesible con Filosofia del !SoftwareLibre en la estrategia de formación de formadores.Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez shared this.
Kenny Ossa shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-02-27T20:11:21+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
en la tarde estaré apoyando al colectivo @mundoaccesible con Filosofia del !SoftwareLibre en la estrategia de formación de formadores.Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez shared this.
Creative Commons shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-02-27T16:37:49+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
3d artists: support the Humane Rigging Fund and help the Blender Institute cure unrigitis! http://ur1.ca/88n83 http://ur1.ca/8eshdMaria Angela Petrizzo Paez, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez shared this.
Creative Commons shared by Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez at 2012-02-27T16:37:49+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
3d artists: support the Humane Rigging Fund and help the Blender Institute cure unrigitis! http://ur1.ca/88n83 http://ur1.ca/8eshdMaria Angela Petrizzo Paez, Maria Angela Petrizzo Paez shared this.