intuxicated intuxicated@identi.ca
fzerorubigd fzerorubigd@identi.ca
Here, Somalia
f/zero/ru/big-d=f/0/ru/D=f0ruD من نود درصد دنتام درباره دخترمه. خوشتون نمیاد، ساب نکنید لطفا!
Esa Hekmat hekmatof@identi.ca
Tehran, Iran
Java Developer & Gnu/Linux Addict. advocate of free [Every Thing] (i.e Software, mind, culture, socity & life)
Roozbeh Shafiee roozbehonline@identi.ca
Isfahan, Iran
You can follow my OpenSource/FreeSoftware timeline on @rosha in Identi.ca
Bob random last name bmoqimi@identi.ca
mohammad Efazati efazati@identi.ca
Tehran, Iran
Develop with Python, Django, Flask, PostgreSql, Mongodb use Debian and FreeBsd also Like books and movies.