Piratenpartei Brandenburg piratenparteibb@identi.ca
Potsdam, Germany
Landesverband Brandenburg der Piratenpartei Deutschland; Gründung: 03.10.2008; Anschrift: Am Bürohochhaus 2-4, 14478 Potsdam
Piratenpartei Kaarst piratenparteikaarst@identi.ca
Die Piratenpartei Kaarst gibt es jetzt auch hier.
Ralf Gloerfeld sn0wdiver@identi.ca
derunterstrich derunterstrich@identi.ca
Wildplakatierer wildplakatierer@identi.ca
Stuttgart, Germany
Einmillionster Besucher OBI-Markt Sindelfingen, goldene C&A-Kundenkarte
Violet Gibson Band American Circus violetgibson@identi.ca
San Donato in Fronzano, Italy
In 2007, when Mike and Tony met, the band, Violet Gibson, was born, but unbeknownst to them at the time, under a different name...
Appropedia.org appropedia@identi.ca
Global Village, India
Sharing Knowledge to Build Rich, Sustainable Lives. Practices & technology for green living and effective development. Most posts by Chris.
Achim Mueller acepoint@identi.ca
Dominic Hopf dmaphy@identi.ca
Hamburg, Germany
Free Software Hacker; Fedora Ambassador; Fellow of FSFE; Weird Guy; What a Pirate is meant to be;