Patrick Truchon ptruchon@identi.ca
Vancouver, Canada
Interested in the intersection between society, technology, and education.
2014-04-10T01:49:31Z via AndStatus To: Public
Which sites have patched the Heartbleed bug http://www.cnet.com/how-to/which-sites-have-patched-the-heartbleed-bug Good opportunity to change my passwords.2014-03-28T03:34:48Z via AndStatus To: Public
Kinesthetic learner or not, if you need to memorize this, then you don't get it. http://io9.com/dancing-stick-figures-graph-mathematical-functions-with-15530877342014-03-26T13:29:52Z via AndStatus To: Public
This generic commercial mocks modern advertising http://www.theverge.com/2014/3/26/5548830/dissolve-this-is-a-generic-brand-video And the voice!2014-03-24T23:12:54Z via AndStatus To: Public
Imdb ratings of Shameless http://graphtv.kevinformatics.com/tt1586680 Simpson's Paradox? en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpson's_paradox2014-03-22T21:44:07Z via AndStatus To: Public
Text Reflow Removed From WebViews In KitKat, Probably Not Coming Back http://www.androidpolice.com/2014/01/28/bug-watch-text-reflow-removed-from-webviews-in-kitkat-probably-not-coming-back/ I hope @CyanogenMod is working on this.2014-03-21T04:58:19Z via AndStatus To: Public
So it truncates at 137 characters and adds ... Here is my IFTTT recipe: https://ifttt.com/recipes/155617-identica-pump-io-twiter2014-03-21T04:51:21Z via AndStatus To: Public
So... Under pumpio, identica let's me "tweet" 5000 characters. Let's see how this plays with my IFTTT recipe. 8765432109876543210987654321 boom!2014-03-21T04:21:48Z via AndStatus To: Public
Testing post from identity.ca to twitter through IFTTT.2013-07-08T13:16:23+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Bluebox's Android "masterkey" hole identified - http://b1t.it/dxgW ...and to be fixed soon (if not already) in #cyanogenmod2013-07-08T01:56:22+00:00 via mustard To: a(n) person, Public
MT @MikeTaylor) How many historians does it take to change a light bulb? (with peer-review): http://b1t.it/dwW52013-07-06T14:25:25+00:00 via Turpial To: Public
I used #cyanogenmod on my old HTC Magic, Incredible S, and now my new Samsung S4. I recommend it to everyone. http://ur1.ca/dah2v2013-07-06T14:18:51+00:00 via Turpial To: Public
Just donated a few $$ to wikipedia to #keepitfree for another year.2013-07-06T13:34:40+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Finally watched @vihartvihart 's "12 Tones" video: http://b1t.it/dwEN If 42 is that answer, hers is pretty close to the question.2013-07-06T12:13:15+00:00 via mustard To: a(n) person, Public
RT @cshirky At 800 people/sq.mile, people switch from voting primarily Republican to voting primarily Democratic http://goo.gl/KAxFD2013-07-06T12:07:10+00:00 via mustard To: a(n) person, Public
Are GPG signatures legally binding? If so, why not avoid SaaS MT @busynessgirl Just signed a document with @DocuSign http://www.docusign.com2013-07-05T21:40:42+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Canadian startup vows to out-fiber Google - http://b1t.it/dwxK Go #yvr go!2013-07-05T14:25:10+00:00 via Turpial To: Public
So far IFTTT's terms of services don't look too good: http://tosdr.org/#ifttt2013-07-05T14:13:39+00:00 via Turpial To: Public
Test 8 (If this works, I'm done)2013-07-05T14:08:17+00:00 via Turpial To: Public
Created an IFTTT recipe to solve my Identica > Twitter problem. http://ur1.ca/ejfdp Only updates every 15 mins though.2013-07-05T13:53:34+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Test 7