ernie dulanowsky pulsewidth@identi.ca
wireless LAN support drone by day, sound art, noise and drones by night
Aymeric Mansoux 320x200@identi.ca
Dormant account, I moved to our new federated instance for discussion about net/computational/free/algorithmic art and culture. https://post.lurk.org/@320x200
Random Colour randomcolour@identi.ca
A web service generating random colour descriptions for you to use. If there is a problem with me, contact @robmyers.
Jono Bacon jonobacon@identi.ca
Ubuntu Community Manager, Author and Musician. For the gory details, see http://www.jonobacon.org/about/
Ben Borges buzzworkers@identi.ca
Beersheba, Israel
Founder & Webmaster at buzzworkers.com - Acid Techno and Electronic Music producers - Now Supporting Occupy,15M,Indigné-es Social Movements
Randy Noseworthy randynose@identi.ca
Greater Cleveland, Oh Area..
Linux Mint, FOSS, Podcasting, Open Source, Food, People, Geek, Techie, Trucker... Widower.
Reg Saddler zaibatsu@identi.ca
Denver, United States
Just a guy who loves Social Media and Tech. Want to know what our company does: The 1st Rule of Fightclub: you don't talk about Fightclub
Dr. Yoshev Omed tinydoctor@identi.ca
I'm a Pentecostal Atheist putting on a tent show revival speaking in tongues & witnessing to the Word of not god but the Mammon of meaning
Justin Washu O'Brien threethirty@identi.ca
Richmond, United States
Gonzo Technologist, Community Advocate, Oggcaster, blogger, Free Culture/Software and Civil Lib Advocate, Hacker, etc
Hippy Steve exador23@identi.ca
Los Angeles, United States
Home is now brainbird, where language and clear communication isn't under attack by an arbitrarily small character limit.
Deleted User mu@identi.ca
I'm very sure, this never happened to me before, I met you, and now I'm sure, this never happened before.
Aaron Toponce eightyeight@identi.ca
Ogden, United States
System administrator and engineer for XMission. Amateur radio ethusiast, Free Software advocate, mathematician and amateur cryptographer.
Appropedia.org appropedia@identi.ca
Global Village, India
Sharing Knowledge to Build Rich, Sustainable Lives. Practices & technology for green living and effective development. Most posts by Chris.