2013-10-02T15:43:45Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-02-01T19:55:09+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
2013-02-01T19:53:07+00:00 To: Public
#songquoteoftheday : Fighting because we're so close There are times we punish those who we need the most...2012-08-13T13:27:34+00:00 To: Public
life is more about the journey, less about where you are now. pobody's nerfect2012-07-26T18:37:54+00:00 To: Public
look up the word tautology. now, please don't use that as evidence or proof of something, mmkay? it only makes you look silly. #politics2012-06-26T15:43:06+00:00 To: Public
Fedora KDE-SIG Meeting report (2012/26) -- http://ur1.ca/9kjbwLydia Pintscher shared by Rex Dieter at 2012-04-23T18:48:29+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
OMG! !OpenAdvice is finally on Amazon \o/ http://ur1.ca/925oa *happydance*Nuno Marco Fernandes Pinheiro, Dorian Pula, Marco Martin likes this.
Andre Klapper, Andre Klapper, Rex Dieter, Rex Dieter and 6 others shared this.
@nightrose woo, congratulations!2012-03-22T12:32:08+00:00 To: Public
Fun, nothing like a good fire alarm (at work) to keep you on your toes.2012-03-15T17:00:39+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
2012-03-14T13:50:48+00:00 in Lincoln, Nebraska, United States To: Public
"Want help? Don’t email me directly", sage advice. http://goo.gl/MBUVs2012-03-11T23:14:07+00:00 in Chalco, Nebraska, United States To: Public
Family is anxiously awaiting the bob's burgers season premier. I hate canada! :)2012-03-08T08:02:58+00:00 in Elkhorn, Nebraska, United States To: Public
Long evening of hacking away on kde packaging, but need sleep now. Will post some good news in the morning.2012-03-08T13:18:21+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
happy happy joy joy !fedora !KDE 4.8.1 f16 builds done and in kde48 repos for quick smoke test before queuing for (official) updates-testing@rdieter Excellent. Will be testing as soon as i can fine decent wifi around here. Thank you very much for all the hard work.2012-03-06T22:11:24+00:00 in Elkhorn, Nebraska, United States To: Public
public service announcement: oreo cool mint cream cookies are evil2012-02-28T15:28:38+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
!fedora 17 alpha ... Hot Dog! Meat the Beefy Miracle http://goo.gl/GCA8c2012-02-20T21:53:16+00:00 in Ashby Ponds, Virginia, United States To: Public
Strikes me as odd that airlines fill planes from the front back, wouldn't the other way around be far more efficient?2012-02-20T20:04:40+00:00 in Hattontown (historical), Virginia, United States To: Public
Niel Diamond's America is playing at DC airport. How fitting. Loved that song when I was little, guess I still do.2012-02-20T06:05:37+00:00 in Rajhrad, South Moravian Region, Czechia To: Public
On the way home from Brno's #devconf , which was very productive worth such great friends2012-02-19T10:46:03+00:00 To: Public
at RH offices in BRNO hacking with kde patriots, the day after #devconf