2012-07-17T02:19:34+00:00 via web To: Public
I keep getting email about new followers here but every time I check there is nobody new. Spammers and spammer detection, I guess.2010-01-29T21:45:57+00:00 in Bedford, New Hampshire, United States via web To: Arc Riley, Public
@arc I dunno what we can do for you back, but don't hesitate if you know of something (hope somebody already said that)2010-01-29T21:44:43+00:00 in Bedford, New Hampshire, United States via web To: Arc Riley, Public
@arc BTW one of your old servers is doing time as a secondary DNS server for us in California. woo hoo!@revmem great to hear :-) glad the hardware went to some use, so much surplus ends up in the dump these days2010-01-29T21:25:40+00:00 in Bedford, New Hampshire, United States via web To: Public
Wonder why indenti.ca thinks I'm in Bedford, NH when my profile says Manchester.2010-01-29T21:02:59+00:00 in Bedford, New Hampshire, United States via web To: Public
I see there is a button to connect my identi.ca and twitter accounts. Maybe I'll push it and annoy many more people at once.2010-01-29T21:01:47+00:00 in Bedford, New Hampshire, United States via web To: a(n) person, Arc Riley, Public
Hello @arc and @sskennel . I suppose I should consider being more active here. You might regret it, though, once seeing my general silliness@revmem consider joining a few groups you're interested too2008-07-29T17:44:56+00:00 To: Public
or maybe it's a feature, giving me a bit of a backfeed.2008-07-29T17:44:31+00:00 To: Public
hmm-- just got a bazillion IM messages from indenti.ca . I guess it doesn't notice when I'm offline?2008-07-23T06:53:23+00:00 To: Public
it must be bed time. is this thing still on?2008-07-22T01:06:56+00:00 To: Public
When I log in to identi.ca, I can't tell if the "remember me" box is checked or not. Looks the same no matter how many times I hit it.2008-07-16T15:56:34+00:00 To: Public
podcasts and tweets and music, oh my2008-07-15T17:18:49+00:00 To: Public
yes sirree you betcha ma'am2008-07-15T16:39:07+00:00 To: Public
IM added, I think2008-07-08T18:47:57+00:00 via web To: Public
time for some Laurie Anderson2008-07-08T18:35:33+00:00 via web To: Public
staring out the window2008-07-08T06:11:41+00:00 via web To: Public
done for the day2008-07-07T19:24:35+00:00 via web To: Public
Oh, there *is* a byte counter on this input field. It's just black on dark green, I didn't see it without mousing over it. time to customiz@revmem - Regarding the XMPP update bot, @evan says it should be returning to life soon: http://identi.ca/notice/447682008-07-07T19:22:32+00:00 via web To: Public
A person's identica page lists their "subscriptions" - I wonder if that's who they follow, or who follow them? Can't see both sets, seems.2008-07-07T19:17:53+00:00 via web To: Public
wonder why I can't get hooked up on IM here.. I must be doing something wrong, just can't see what it is.2008-07-04T02:26:52+00:00 via web To: Public
gee, I'm boring over here, too :)