2012-08-07T08:11:21+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
Hey all, up early, about to go biking http://goo.gl/kQ9EG2011-11-16T18:09:03+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
Is Identi.ca Groups search function broken for anyone else ? Is there a place to email them and let them know ?2011-11-16T18:01:56+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
Is there a way to make groups search work, so that you don't spend hours clicking "before" ?2011-11-16T17:41:44+00:00 in Washington, United States To: a(n) person, Public
Hello brothers and sisters in Christ =D2011-11-16T15:48:13+00:00 To: Public
Hey everyone. Great to be back. How is everyone on identi ? =D #hello2010-12-26T12:47:31+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
Found a thread about a hydrogen hybrid moped http://moped2.org/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=9929&PN=4 #moped #hydrogen2010-12-26T13:55:40+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
World's coolest #bicycle :D http://motorbicycling.com/f26/trike-chopped-extended-flared-3-fork-21327.html #cycling2010-12-16T02:16:10+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
Hello! God Bless, everyone!2010-12-13T20:03:50+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
Tried Yahoo pipes? Best rss feed manipulator and aggregator ever http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=4f711771a8cc2bc3045c8f282cb17f352010-12-13T19:58:20+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
Sounds great James, we dont have that in FLorida :D2010-12-13T19:57:39+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
How is everyone ?2010-11-30T11:38:17+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
Can anyone code android apps ?2010-11-30T11:37:40+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
Up all night, haven't done this comfortably in months, grateful! :D2010-11-30T11:37:12+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
How is everyone this morning?2010-11-30T10:35:51+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
Hey all!2010-11-30T05:00:13+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
God Bless, all, have a beautiful night ! :D2010-11-30T04:54:05+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
uberchick, that thing really is disgusting :D God Bless, Sister :)2010-11-30T04:36:45+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
Hello all :)2010-11-06T10:28:36+00:00 in Washington, United States To: Public
This place looks really cool!