Deleted User nerostie@identi.ca
Cédric Picard cym13@identi.ca
Saint-Georges-la-Pouge, France
Scout, geek, math student and linux zealot !
Christophe Ducamp xtof@identi.ca
Paris, France
3 children. Web enthusiast. Focused on free culture, indieweb and personal data.
CHABOT Simon chabotsi@identi.ca
Compiègne, France
Compte inactif. Rendez-vous sur https://chabotsi.fr/links/
freemonkeys freemonkeys@identi.ca
mes centres d'intérêts: gnu/linux, debian, libertés numériques et autres joyeusetés geeks!... ;-)
Vincent OpenSourcier opentruc@identi.ca
Sisteron, France
Actualité du DIY, de l'open source et du libéralisme. Libéral, Libertarien.
Daniel Faucon koolfy@identi.ca
Brussels, Belgium
°Founder of NURPA (Net Users' Rights Protection Association) °Writer of Geekfault
Axel Simon axelsimon@identi.ca
Paris, France
Interested in things. Reasonably nice human being. Defending Freedoms on/and the Internet with @laQuadrature. @BadBearParis co-conspirator. Tweets are CC By-SA.
tragedy of the commons tragedyofthecommons@identi.ca
coups de gueules, politique, numérique, science