collanediruggine ruggine@identi.ca
San Donato in Fronzano, Italy
Coproduzioni DIY di letteratura fantastica radicale
Ned Ludd ludd@identi.ca
Leicester, United Kingdom
In 1779, Ludd is supposed to have broken two stocking frames in a fit of rage. After this incident, attacks on the frames were jokingly blamed on Ludd. When the "Luddites" emerged in the 1810s, his identity was appropriated to become the folkloric character of Captain Ludd, also known as King Ludd or General Ludd, the Luddites' alleged leader and founder.
Marta Battiato martabattiato@identi.ca
Turin, Italy
crossdresser. Punk grrl non biologica. Scrivo queer urban fantasy
reginazabo reginazabo@identi.ca
San Donato in Fronzano, Italy
Italian geek girl, and frantic (DIY) translator, with a steampunk, apocalyptic twist involving kitchen gardening.