Nigel Green mrnigelgreen@identi.ca
MK, United Kingdom
Wannabe Python hacker, open source enthusiast, noisy guitarist, inquisitive sort
dick_turpin dick_turpin@microca.st
Rubbish podcaster of The Dick Turpin Road Show. Linux and FOSS fanboy, gadget fanatic. Known to say some outrageous things.
Matt Molyneaux moggers87@microca.st
I co-founded Inboxen.org and do occasional work for evil empires.
Tsyesika@io.theperplexingpariah.co.uk Tsyesika@io.theperplexingpariah.co.uk
Lancaster, UK
I'm Jessica! Programming, Chemist & Linguist. I'm the developer of PyPump and Inboxen ^_^
123allesklar 123allesklar@identi.ca
Peter Cannon dickturpin@identi.ca
West Midlands, United Kingdom
Currently working as a Sales Manager in IT. Co-Host of The Dick Turpin Road Show. Arch Linux user and FOSS advocate.
angryearthling angryearthling@identi.ca
Dublin, Ireland
jack of all trades, geek, sci fi, computing, mobile platforms, open source