linux.conf.au 2014 shared by Sam Wilson at 2013-06-19T01:01:47+00:00 via web To: Public
Got something to say? The linux.conf.au 2014 Call for Papers is now open! http://linux.conf.au/cfp !lca2014Sam Wilson shared this.
♺ @linuxconfau: Got something to say? The linux.conf.au 2014 Call for Papers is now open! http://linux.conf.au/cfp !lca20142013-06-19T00:09:34+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia via web To: Public
lnxwalt shared by Sam Wilson at 2013-02-28T06:21:43+00:00 via web To: Public
Also, I cannot understand why anyone would willingly use #Sharepoint when they could use #Dokuwiki instead.lnxwalt shared by Sam Wilson at 2013-02-28T06:21:43+00:00 To: Public
Also, I cannot understand why anyone would willingly use #Sharepoint when they could use #Dokuwiki instead.shared by Sam Wilson at 2013-02-28T06:11:30+00:00 via web To: Public
People always ask if !OpenStreetMap is an #alternative to Google Maps; but `is Google a viable alternative to #OSM' is …shared by Sam Wilson at 2013-02-28T06:11:30+00:00 To: Public
People always ask if !OpenStreetMap is an #alternative to Google Maps; but `is Google a viable alternative to #OSM' is …2013-02-28T05:26:52+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: a(n) person, Public
Hey @fremantle, I've added your site's feed to Planet Freo: http://freo.org.au/planet/ -- you should post more regularly! hehe...2013-02-28T05:10:38+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: Public
Enjoying Kohana, again... it's been a while. :-)2010-11-04T23:15:31+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: Public
New blog post: Future-Safe Archives for Digit... http://samwilson.id.au/2010/11/05/future-safe-archives-for-digit/2010-11-04T23:05:07+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: Public
Future-Safe Archives for Digital Content — http://www.futurechanges.org/2010/11/04/future-safe-archives-for-digital-content/2010-11-04T08:59:17+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: Public
New blog post: Semantic MediaWiki and Me http://samwilson.id.au/2010/11/04/smw/2010-11-03T06:56:46+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: Public
Does anyone have any suggestions for sites to add to 'Planet Freo'? http://fremantlesociety.org.au/wiki/Planet_Freo2010-11-03T15:18:09+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: Public
New blog post: Sol-R http://samwilson.id.au/2010/11/03/sol-r/2010-11-02T11:27:27+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: Public
New blog post: NaBloPoMo day II, and already nothing to say. http://samwilson.id.au/2010/11/02/nablopomo-2/2010-11-02T03:04:52+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: Public
New blog post: Freo on the web http://samwilson.id.au/2010/11/01/freo-on-the-web/2010-10-26T03:29:08+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: Public
New blog post: PHP's Fileinfo extension under PHP 5.2 on Windows http://samwilson.id.au/2010/10/26/fileinfo/2010-10-23T02:53:37+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: Public
New blog post: How strange things are http://samwilson.id.au/2004/03/31/how-strange-things-are/2010-10-23T02:47:59+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: Public
New blog post: A Catalogue, I Think? http://samwilson.id.au/2003/11/28/a-catalogue-i-think/2010-10-23T02:46:21+00:00 in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia To: Public
New blog post: Just WALK!! http://samwilson.id.au/2003/11/17/just-walk/