Christian M. Grube

Christian M. Grube at

Wie drücke ich denn nun meine Gedanken aus, absolut gar nicht. Benutzer von #WhatsApp einfach lesen und endlich verstehen...
#textsecure   #signal  

As part of an article series on WhatsApp, heise Security analysed its end-to-end encryption. Since, as far as I know, nobody has written this up in detail before, I decided to translate my story for English readers:

Keeping Tabs on WhatsApp's Encryption
As part of an article for c't magazine, the heise Security team investigated WhatsApp's end-to-end encryption. The results show that WhatsApp might use TextSecure's exemplary encryption designed by Moxie Marlinspike, but implements it in such a fashion that is of little use in the real world.