Shawn R Gray shawnrgray@identi.ca
Ottawa, Canada
An Ontario Certified Teacher, working as an administrative assistant in Ottawa while writing and examining digital politics.
2012-11-13T17:47:40+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Canadian deficit will rise by $5 billion, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty says - http://ur1.ca/awh3y2012-10-04T17:06:00+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Troy Media » Ontario finally ready to dump McGuinty - http://ur1.ca/2012-09-25T12:27:07+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Watson backs new Ottawa casino; public consultation scheduled for Oct. 2 - http://ur1.ca/af19b2012-09-25T12:23:54+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Ontario’s civil service pay cap and bonus freeze are useful symbols of restraint - thestar.com - http://ur1.ca/af1812012-09-25T12:13:47+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Wind Mobile stores in Windsor and Peterborough under construction, launch imminent | MobileSyrup.com - http://ur1.ca/af13c2012-09-25T13:14:16+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
More Canadians abandoning traditional work to start businesses | CTV News - http://ur1.ca/af1km2012-09-18T12:42:53+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Dear Ontario teachers: Don't let McGuinty get away with this - http://ur1.ca/abmhm2012-09-18T12:34:24+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
First Ministers meetings serve the long-term interests of Canada - The Globe and Mail - http://ur1.ca/abmc42012-09-18T17:05:39+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
New census data to highlight foster kids, step families and same-sex marriage - http://ur1.ca/abpju2012-08-27T12:28:39+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Ontario neglecting its most vulnerable workers - thestar.com - http://ur1.ca/a1eud2012-08-27T12:19:44+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Carriers Thrilled About BlackBerry 10 Smartphones, Says RIM Official - http://ur1.ca/a1eth2012-08-25T12:27:03+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Students over 19 must still buy adult OC Transpo passes, transit commission says - http://ur1.ca/a0wwc2012-08-21T12:33:32+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Federal government gets in on condo action with overhaul of Ottawa neighbourhood - The Globe and Mail - http://ur1.ca/9zzuq2012-08-17T16:47:56+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Pussy Riot members laugh as judge delivers two-year prison sentences for Russian church protest - http://ur1.ca/9z4sx2012-08-16T16:30:11+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Say what? "Through the Eyes of a Pirate" questions the cost to keep or ban the tobacco industry: HTTP://tteop.org/?p=16132012-08-14T21:21:06+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Today's article talks about the way search engines limit your results. To escape the bubble read HTTP://tteop.org/?p=16072012-08-09T16:11:17+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Robocall Scandal vs NDP Convention Hack, the different tactics used to seek those responsible: HTTP://tteop.com/?p=16002012-08-09T14:40:26+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Tuesday's "Through the Eyes of a Pirate" was on the privatization of public services: HTTP://tteop.org/?p=15952012-08-02T15:52:47+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
Quebec's provincial election is important for all Canadians. "Through the Eyes of a Pirate" shows us why: HTTP://tteop.org/?p=15882012-07-31T21:31:41+00:00 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada To: Public
The state of the music industry - The Oatmeal - http://identi.ca/url/72991838