Colin Dean at 2010-02-26T16:53:25+00:00
♺ @doctorlinguist: the Boy Scout Handbook over the years. (yes, I was a Boy Scout) [] likes this.
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Jesús E. Franco Martínez at 2010-02-26T16:52:51+00:00
i love the super-easy way you can use !emacs to GPG tasks, edit remote files and directories through FTP & SSH // Who said Emacs is hard?Skhaen shared this. ❌ at 2010-02-26T16:52:28+00:00
The users of a system that manages dependencies and doesn't allow you to break them will eventually find ways of circumventing the system.Skhaen likes this.
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Olivier G. ☃ at 2010-02-26T16:46:27+00:00
RT @PascaleLC: 2h d'accompagnement personnalisé, c'est en fait 6 heures profs pour 65 élèves... Ah ouais, c'est du personnalisé ça...Skhaen likes this.
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Jérémie Zimmermann at 2010-02-10T21:26:42+00:00
RT @Authueil Martin-Lalande retire avant la séance son amendement bizzaroïde #loppsiSkhaen likes this.
Skhaen at 2010-01-16T11:26:18+00:00
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