Open Metalcast Episode #175: Remember to Reminder
Here at the Open Metalcast headquarters we’re celebrating Memorial Day Weekend. It’s a time of remembrance for those who fought for the freedoms that we in the USA enjoy. And one of those freedoms that I enjoy is sharing Creative Commons Metal Music with you. And this show is no different, with artists like Galactic Pegasus, Fountainhead, Necro-Cannibal Machinery, Terminal Man, Nolens, Crows, AgainstYouAll, and Die Leere im Kern deiner Hoffnung to bring the freedom of CC-Licensed music to your ears. And remember to support the bands in this show so they have the freedom to bring you more amazing music.
- (00:11) Volenti Non Fit Injuria by Galactic Pegasus from Dysphoria (BY-NC-SA)
- (03:47) 1. All Hail To Decay by Fountainhead from Fountainhead plays Despotic (BY-NC-ND)
- (06:16) Sacrament by Necro-Cannibal Machinery from Fractures (BY-SA)
- (12:46) El salto by Mosh from El filo (BY-NC-SA)
- (17:17) Diamonds by Terminal Man from Body of Crisis (BY-NC-ND)
- (20:50) #2 by Nolens from REJECT . SOMETHING (BY-NC-ND)
- (22:09) Reach by Crows from Carry This Flesh (BY-NC-ND)
- (25:06) Bringing You (Into My Chaos) by AgainstYouAll from None (BY-NC-ND)
- (30:31) Das Leben ist komplex by Die Leere im Kern deiner Hoffnung from Das Leben ist komplex und Entropie real (BY-SA)
Please support the bands in this show! Buy a T-Shirt, buy an album, or head to the shows. Whatever you can do to help these bands keep making music, please do it!
If you have any suggestions for Creative Commons licensed metal, send me a link at craig@openmetalcast.com.
Open Metalcast #175 (MP3)
Open Metalcast #175 (OGG)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.