2013-04-08T23:02:57+00:00 To: Public
Don't Copy-Paste from Website to Terminal - http://ur1.ca/datku2013-04-08T22:57:43+00:00 To: Public
Einmal Ubuntu - immer Ubuntu? #ubuntu fuer #DAUs? ; 65% von 16k stimmen positiv ueber #Linux ab! ; http://ur1.ca/dbadd2012-12-02T22:42:54+00:00 To: Public
Joscha Sauer braucht noch 8k € für die erste Folge #nichtlustig.tv ersten 10 Minuten hier: http://ur1.ca/atmpepodcasts shared by soeren at 2012-12-02T22:36:36+00:00 To: Public
2012-09-28T07:46:00+00:00 To: Public
2012-08-26T16:46:13+00:00 To: Public
Arthur Schiwon likes this.
Matthias Kirschner shared by soeren at 2012-08-26T16:18:51+00:00 via web To: Public
f-droid did not work after update. Fixed by "system settings" -> "apps" -> "f-droid" -> "clear data". #FreeYourAndroidMatthias Kirschner shared by soeren at 2012-08-26T16:18:51+00:00 To: Public
f-droid did not work after update. Fixed by "system settings" -> "apps" -> "f-droid" -> "clear data". #FreeYourAndroid2011-09-22T18:08:37+00:00 To: Arch Linux, Free Software Foundation Europe, Public
searching for a #free way to sync my #firefox bookmarks - any ideas/solutions? !fsfe #privacy !archlinux#firefox has built in support for syncinghuh, I never had any problems with ff sync. Just a bit slow the first time you sync a new computer. Privacywise it seems top-notch.hmm, that warrants a bug report then (I'd say #firefox sync is worth it; but understandable if you don't want to take my word for it =P)2011-09-13T09:24:57+00:00 To: Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Public
♺ @akvorrat:Aber nur online wirst du gleich mitgezählt:Werde JETZT mit Deiner Unterschrift gegen Vorratsdaten aktiv! http://zeichnemit.de2011-07-20T13:59:59+00:00 To: Public
today is video day (just 1:47 this time): unleash your fingers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyMfpJh3h4A2011-07-18T14:51:12+00:00 To: Arch Linux, Public
@soerenk Check out xmonad too2011-06-28T12:57:14+00:00 To: Die Datenfresser, Chaos Computer Club, Free Software Foundation Europe, Public
@datenfresser mit einem link von eurer webseite auf bookzilla.de (http://is.gd/BKWG3h) könnt ihr die !fsfe unterstützen. danke! !ccc2011-04-28T23:37:35+00:00 To: Public
just installed #gnome3 in !archlinux from the testing repo, looks awsome! what does ubuntu want with unity, when they could have gnome3?2011-04-21T19:41:26+00:00 To: Dirk Deimeke, Public
♺ @ddeimeke: Dirks Logbuch update: Video zum Peter-Prinzip ... http://tinyurl.com/43lp5h72011-04-21T18:03:26+00:00 To: Dirk Deimeke, Public
16GB verschluesselt in der Cloud :D ♺ @ddeimeke: Dirks Logbuch update: Wuala ... http://tinyurl.com/3erslps2011-03-28T22:06:44+00:00 To: Public
wunschliste.add("Die Datenfresser", "Buch", ['constanze kurz', 'frank rieger', 'ccc', 'datenschutz'], http://amzn.to/hLFVzH, 16,95);