2013-07-05T10:42:25+00:00 in Italy via Choqok To: Public
Google ordered to rewrite privacy policy or face legal action http://t.co/ZifM0eHr2N2013-07-05T10:28:27+00:00 in Italy via Choqok To: Public
"The Dramatic Growth of #OpenAccess" a quantitative analysis over time by Heather Morrison, Ottawa University http://j.mp/16SLfkK2013-07-03T11:12:54+00:00 in Italy via Choqok To: Public
2013-06-24T17:36:37+00:00 in Italy via Choqok To: Public
Chi dice #IoStoConSilvio cosa sa della condanna, delle sue motivazioni e della relativa fondatezza? Meglio informarsi o tacere che urlare.2013-04-10T12:05:01+00:00 in Italy To: Public
The manifesto of appalled economists, against the mainstream austerity as a solution for eurozone crisis. http://j.mp/17qyzTI2013-04-09T11:29:18+00:00 in Italy To: Public
The conquest of research data is now complete. Elsevier acquires Mendeley http://j.mp/Z5qeBe2013-03-28T15:57:47+00:00 in Italy To: Public
shared by Marco Solieri at 2011-03-04T12:41:38+00:00 via api To: Public
!Debian wins two of seven categories at the Linux New Media Awards 2011 - http://www.debian.org/News/2011/201103042011-02-22T15:16:02+00:00 in Milan, Italy To: Public
Tutti invitati alla rivoluzione del social networking: controllo dei dati e applicazione libera, con #Diaspora http://diasp.eu2011-01-28T16:58:51+00:00 in Italy To: Public
Teaching process management for my work for an enterprise which offers IT services for process management. Curious -.-2010-12-02T14:53:13+00:00 in Milan, Italy To: Public
A four-months stage at LIPN, on ICC... sounds good!2010-09-21T15:39:38+00:00 in Italy To: Public
Alla scoperta della sportività2010-06-30T11:34:11+00:00 in Italy To: Public
#unibo mail on Outlook is a bleak outlook!2010-05-07T17:53:28+00:00 in Italy To: Public
2010-05-04T15:13:55+00:00 in Italy To: Public
odia lo stile didattico bottom-up di Bertossi2010-03-31T20:19:03+00:00 in Italy To: Public
Upgraded !kde on my laptop to 4.4.2. Well done, guys!2010-03-26T16:05:11+00:00 in Italy To: Public
Computer scientists code better with functional programming languages.2010-03-20T15:01:53+00:00 in Italy To: Public
Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann style? http://2tu.us/1u4x2010-01-27T22:33:33+00:00 in Italy To: Public
iPad is iBad for freedom http://2tu.us/1hmv #fsf2010-01-27T14:40:16+00:00 To: Public
Tracking time of study session improves control and productivity.