voted for "Other (Please List!)"
2012-01-28T09:19:39+00:00 To: Lev Lazinskiy, Public
2010-04-16T06:51:17+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Also awesome: "Sadly, a twitterer's first instinct is not to find shelter." http://xkcd.com/723/ #xkcdGabriel Saldana shared by Stefan Hübner at 2010-04-16T06:40:55+00:00 via web To: Public
Stefan Hübner, Stefan Hübner shared this.
2010-04-16T06:40:45+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
"Every time you say 'Backslash' as part of a web address on air, I die a little." http://xkcd.com/727/ #xkcd2010-04-08T07:54:59+00:00 To: Public
Identi.ca: here I am