Christos Varelas subzraw@identi.ca
Thessaloniki, Greece
Publisher of deltaHacker monthly periodical.
Dimitris Tomaras jimailaion@identi.ca
Athens, Greece
Fedora Linux user,soon to follow Master Program of Computer Science in A.U.E.B.
Nikos Roussos comzeradd@identi.ca
Kalamávki, Greece
opensource & digitalrights activist - @mozilla rep, @fedora dev, @fsfe ga member, @hackerspacegr member
Klearchos Angelos Gkountras jemadux@identi.ca
Thessaloniki, Greece
Young & Handsome #llinux USER & FOSS Supporter. If you want to learn more, follow; if you can handle me that is. P.S. I love haters™
saperduper saperduper@identi.ca
An electrical and computer engineer trying to manage uncertainty