2014-07-17T15:56:43Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Even considering evaluating me in my area of expertise is something I consider as an act of unreliance in my skills and work ethics!2014-07-16T13:09:21Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC:
Anyone wants to code for money?2014-07-10T17:21:14Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
I need to rent a coder, any of you want to help me in a project? Is not big, and surely is not complicated, but I do not know how to program plus I do not have the time for it.2014-07-10T17:20:03Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
I'm huuungry!!2014-07-08T22:01:56Z via Identi.ca Web To: CC: Followers, Public
Thank you Germans, you avenged our loss in #WC2014. Our demise was not in vain!2012-06-01T12:27:26+00:00 To: Public
Wife is very very pregnant, woohoo!2012-04-24T20:42:16+00:00 To: Public
Sometimes I just have to accept my truth. Many times I can't help but hate people2012-04-18T14:59:23+00:00 To: Public
Tired and very sleepy wanna go home but it is just 10:00. Six hours left!2012-04-16T15:39:56+00:00 To: Public
Long time since I used GIMP for retouching a photo, it was superb! Even printed it!2012-04-11T15:18:26+00:00 To: Public
Work work work, it bugs me a lot when patients arrive late and then demand to be attended like nothing has happened!2012-04-09T04:36:13+00:00 To: Public
I sincerely wish android app makers were more internal space conscious, we need more movable apps, I am tired of wasting precious space2012-04-04T21:12:18+00:00 To: Public
Uh... Back in the microblogging stuff, has been a while though, bit got one of those android phones eveyone is making a fuss about, nice!2011-01-08T22:07:54+00:00 To: Public
Got a shift tonight, last shift was horrible, even a week due dental emergencies, God, what is this people thinking!?2010-11-16T22:16:55+00:00 To: Public
Does Movistar internet block torrents and megaupload? please post your experience, thanks!2010-11-09T20:01:03+00:00 To: Public
Unemployed, aggressive behavior from the management, as well as uncertain payments and lack of tools for doing my job, finaly made me snap!2010-06-07T07:57:00+00:00 To: Public
Any identi.ca clients for Palm? I would love to dent from my palm!2010-06-07T07:53:49+00:00 To: Public
Wow, long time I don't update, becoming a full doctor in 20 days, way to go!!!!2010-02-14T10:25:38+00:00 To: Public
Trying KDE 4.4 feels kinda clunky and needs some bug bashing, but the big proble is to migrate from GNOME, else I am OK.2010-02-14T05:40:26+00:00 To: Public
Kind of getting tired of gnome but I have to migrate a lot of stuff if I want to use KDE, starting by the photos, Hope Kubuntu has some love2010-02-14T05:35:49+00:00 To: Public
I need a identi.ca app for palm (palm t|x please) anyone wants to help?