Julien Genestoux julien@identi.ca
nico stafford nicothegeek@identi.ca
A new concept within the Financial Industry and Business social media, a non-biased, goal oriented and an ambitious startup.
Michel Alexandre Salim hircus@identi.ca
Jakarta, Indonesia
Fedora contributor, FLOSS developer, programming paradigm aficionado, privacy advocate, researcher
Byron Gibson byrongibson@identi.ca
Derek Mahar derekmahar@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
Software developer and open source software enthusiast.
Henry J. Story bblfish@identi.ca
Saint-Georges-la-Pouge, France
Working on creating the Secure Social Web using Linked Data. Hacking in Scala. Chair of the WebID Incubator Group http://webid.info/spec
Jason Brooks jasonbrooks@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
I love the tech that flows most freely, and scales from enterprise to individual: open source, cloud, unlicensed spectrum.