Theodoros G. Karounos tgkarounos@identi.ca
Sparta, Greece
Ασχολούμαι κυρίως με θέματα που αφορούν το ελεύθερο λογισμικό, το ελεύθερο περιεχόμενο και τα κοινά αγαθά...
Emmanuel Ninos at 2015-05-17T12:23:15Z
Richard Stallman - "The Danger of Software Patents" (Athens, Greece)
https://www.fsf.org/events/rms-20150520-athensdbillyx, Theodoros G. Karounos likes this.
kenyahhtah, dbillyx, Dana, Theodoros G. Karounos shared this.
#NSA killed my internet. Now i have to build a #gnu one
Nikos Alexandris, Ch Iossif, Yannick Delbecque, Theodoros G. Karounos and 2 others likes this.
Theodoros G. Karounos, RiveraValdez, Danc, Stefano Zacchiroli shared this.
iloveubuntu.net at 2013-01-12T17:42:21+00:00
LibreOffice 4.0 RC 1 released with Personas support !ubuntu http://ur1.ca/ci4z6Theodoros G. Karounos likes this.
Javier Cuevas, Theodoros G. Karounos, Javier Cuevas, Javier Cuevas and 3 others shared this.
digital liberation network at 2013-02-12T13:43:31+00:00
EDRI - Copyright : Challenges of the digital era http://ur1.ca/csb5n http://b1t.it/cTJ4Theodoros G. Karounos likes this.
Dan Dart at 2011-06-01T21:03:16+00:00
Once google voice and video chat is safely in front of open bars, and is embedded in browser technologies (ie not a plugin) #screwskypeTheodoros G. Karounos likes this.