2012-12-04T09:52:04+00:00 in Linz, Upper Austria, Austria via web To: Public
Is there a possibility for open content and open education in an institutional education system??? how does that fit together? #OCL4Ed2012-12-04T09:49:09+00:00 in Linz, Upper Austria, Austria via web To: a(n) person, Public
2012-12-04T19:01:11+00:00 in Linz, Upper Austria, Austria via web To: Public
What´s about the big market of producing schoolbooks/materials?Can the institutional education system turn away from that market?#OCL4Ed2012-12-04T18:58:32+00:00 in Linz, Upper Austria, Austria via web To: Public
What´s about social exclusion because of technical barriers? Do we "all" have access to those open ressources?#OCL4Ed2012-12-04T18:55:15+00:00 in Linz, Upper Austria, Austria via web To: Public
Just watched Davids video and i am asking myself,does open educational content involves also the aspect of accessibility?#OCL4Ed