Jean P at 2012-01-22T20:05:05+00:00
Story of a corrupted Judge named, #Jim_Mason with Bad records but still a Judge in #Columbus_Ohio Family Court http://ur1.ca/7mj8aJean P likes this.
Jean P at 2011-11-11T07:07:38+00:00
United Nations: The world Needs a New United Nation or A Second One, Located in a Neutral Country and Formed by Countries Like Russia, ChinaJean P likes this.
Jean P at 2010-05-29T00:33:22+00:00
Micro Blogging though StatusNet like Identi.ca @ HAITI GO DOT COM http://haitigo.com #HAITI #HaitianJean P likes this.
Jean P at 2010-05-29T01:08:48+00:00
Jean P likes this.
Jean P at 2010-03-16T08:19:22+00:00
Human Rights Alert!: Some people in certain countries are being put on watch lists, labeled as crazy, paranoid, schizophrenic, etc.. for theJean P likes this.